Sunday Mail (UK)

Make the call on season now – does who wins and loses really matter?


Happy birthday to my dad David and my father-in-law Walter.

Both of them became another year wiser yesterday and we waved at them from a window as a family.

It summed up the madness of the moment when they took turns collecting their presents from the bottom of our driveway.

It was another crazy example as to how much impact this health crisis is having on everyone’s life.

You can laugh at the sight of them collecting their gifts but being unable to get a birthday hug. However, that’s the new reality.

Every day that passes reinforces just how serious things are as you hear the rising cost of life with the amount of people dying.

We’re now starting to hear of people we know being struck down with coronaviru­s and it only proves just how close to home it now is.

In the grand scheme of things, what is decided about football in the weeks ahead won’t be as important as it once might have been.

It helps nobody to drag things out and it’s time now to get things sorted.

This isn’t just about titles and relegation. It’s about people’s lives, their businesses and incomes being on the line. The underlying thing is obviously people’s health. All of the talk I’ve heard is about postponing this and that and some are even discussing next season.

Why are we talking about possibly restructur­ing this or that when we haven’t even clarified what’s going to happen to this campaign?

The pause button was pressed on the league season and nothing has progressed – it’s the here and now we need to deal with.

My message is: Get it done. Take the initiative and get it dealt with as we need to put these issues to bed.

No matter what’s decided, it’s going to be brutal for some people. But people are being paid very well to show leadership and make huge calls, however painful they are.

There are people dying all over the world because of this pandemic and still we can’t take decisions on issues far more trivial with regards to Scottish football. We need to forget next season, forget what’s ahead of us and focus purely on the present – let’s make a clear and concise decision on the current situation.

Every club needs help, the government has come out and provided support by putting schemes in place to help businesses and the self-employed.

Football and footballer­s are in the same boat as everyone else and it’s time to find out what’s happening.

The majority of clubs have furloughed their staff, there is huge uncertaint­y over what the future holds and we are no further forward in making tough decisions.

We need to plot a path forward and it was refreshing to see the Belgian league management board coming out and announcing Brugge as the champions.

They’ve taken a lead at a time when nobody should be thinking about football or going to work.

Scotland’s football bosses should follow suit, if it means Celtic are named champions and Hearts are relegated then so be it.

I’ll congratula­te


Celtic as they’ve been the league’s outstandin­g team and I will feel sorry fo for Hearts but there a are simply no easy d decisions here.

There are not many r rights and wrongs a about it but now the q re question is, ‘Does it really matter?’

Hearts will be d devastated but these a are times which S Scottish football has never experience­d before and something must be done.

Things have to be moved forward and, as brutal as it may be, there is one club sitting at the top of the table and another at the bottom.

If that’s the way we have to go then so be it. I’ve never been someone who looks for excuses when things have gone against me.

I’ve suffered relegation as a player and as a No.2 at Norwich. You just have to get on with it.

Keeping people healthy is the be all and end all at the moment.

To see my kids and all of the neighbours out clapping in tribute to the NHS on Thursday night had the hairs on my arms standing up. It gives you goosebumps to see how much people care.

Life has to go on. We’re all in Groundhog Day. It’s time to take stock and wish many happy returns through the window.

I’ll congratula­te Celtic as they have been the top tier’s best team and I will feel sorry for Hearts

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