Sunday Mail (UK)

If we want the test, trace and isolate system to be given a running start, Government needs to get staff in now. People are very nervous about their ability to make it happen

Politician­s blast SNP over

- John Ferguson Political Editor

The Scottish Government has failed to hire a single Covid-19 contact tracer to help stop the spread of the virus.

The test, trace and isolate (TTI) programme is vital to the Government’s plan to end lockdown and restart the economy.

Almost 8500 people have applied online for the 2000 roles as call handlers, data analysts and health protection nurses.

But the Sunday Mail can reveal that the new Contact Tracing Team has yet to take on a single staff member.

Recruiters were offered the services of skilled volunteers from St Andrew’s First Aid charity but failed to respond for eight days.

When they eventually did, its chief executive Stuart Callison was told to apply using the same email provided to the general public.

Furious opposition parties accused the Government of dithering over the vital strategy, despite the country being nine weeks into the crisis.

Scottish Conservati­ve shadow health secretary Miles Briggs said: “The clock is ticking – the SNP must not drag its feet.”

Scot t ish Greens MSP Alison Johnstone said: “The Scottish Government’s testing strategy has been incoherent.

“I’m dismayed that it has taken this long into lockdown for the Government to begin recruiting contact tracers.”

Labour’s shadow health secretary Monica Lennon said: “It’s now vital that the success of the tracing strategy isn’t hampered by unnecessar­y slowness on recruitmen­t.”

Scottish Lib Dems leader Willie Rennie said: “This slow rate of progress is making a lot of people very nervous about the Scottish Government’s ability to make it happen.”

Earlier this month, the Scottish Government published the official “test, trace, isolate, support strategy” document. Health Secretary Jeane Freeman said the core work for the government’s new strategy would be carried out by a team of about 2000 tracers.

Adverts then appeared on social media stating: “We need people to join our new Contact Trace Team to help stop the spread of #coronaviru­s. Roles available include call handlers, data analysts and health protection nurses.”

No details of pay have been given and it is only possible to “register interest”.

Now, 13 days after the initial strategy document was published, the Scottish Government has admit ted that, despite 8500 people noting interest, nobody has been given a job.

That includes skilled volunteers from St Andrew’s First Aid charity. CEO Stuart C allison wrote to the Government on May 5 offering his members’ services but failed to receive a response for eight days.

He was then directed to another department and given a web address for public applicatio­ns.

C allison said :“As a national charity serving Scotland’s needs, we stand ready to help in this time of emergency – be that contact tracing or assisting more directly to help frontline staff.”

Monica Lennon added: “St Andrew’s First Aid has a strong track record in supporting Scotland’s communitie­s at times of emergency. That’s why it’s extremely disappoint­ing that their offers to support the national effort have not been taken up by Scottish ministers.”

It is hoped that contact tracing will reduce the spread of coronaviru­s by identifyin­g and alerting people who may have been exposed so that they can self-isolate.

In England, 1500 people have been taken on at pay rates of up to £27.75 an

 ??  ?? ACTION CALL Scottish Lib Dems leader Willie Rennie
ACTION CALL Scottish Lib Dems leader Willie Rennie
 ??  ?? PLEA Monica Lennon and Miles Briggs
PLEA Monica Lennon and Miles Briggs

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