Sunday Mail (UK)

Things could be worse.. we could have Johnson


There’s a sign in my hallway of which I’m pretty fond. It says: “If you’re lucky enough to be in Scotland, you’re lucky enough.”

It’s hard to feel truly “lucky” anywhere at the moment, I guess, but the sentiment remains.

We can only wonder how many of our counterpar­ts down south would find themselves agreeing with that sentiment after the week we’ve just hauled ourselves through.

First, there was the PM, the man hardly any Scots voted for, giving an address to the nation that can now be found in the dictionary under the definition “gobbledygo­ok”. See also “bombastic nonsense”, “contradict­ory claptrap” or “dangerous misdirecti­on”.

Only Johnson could carefully prerecord a speech, use a prime-time TV slot to address the nation and produce only confusion, making a woefully awful situation immeasurab­ly worse.

Its pre-publicity was such that we expected something akin to the Gettysburg Address. In the end, we got political parody which would have been amusing if it was part of a sketch show starring Peter Capaldi and didn’t expose thousands of people to a deadly virus. Terrifying.

Then a surprising thing happened. We remembered we were in Scotland. The instructio­n of a “return to work” for those who can’t work from home didn’t apply to us. Our schools won’t reopen on June 1. We won’t have to crowd onto public transport. We can’t go on jolly outings to the coast.

How lucky we felt when the FM Nicola Sturgeon appeared on our screens the next night telling us to pay no heed to BoJo and, “stay the hell in the hoose”. I paraphrase, but we got the message.

Every life matters. Horrifying­ly, those in the most deprived areas here are twice as likely to die. They need ongoing protection. We all do.

Even countries which seemed Covid-clear enough to lift restrictio­ns are starting to reimpose them, for goodness sake. The UK is still counting daily deaths in the hundreds.

No wonder some English folk started looking wistfully over the border.

Comedian Kathy Burke attached a Saltire to her Twitter feed. A mock-up meme by London-based frontline doctor Julia

Prague went viral: “Ignore Boris, Listen to Sturgeon, Save Lives.”

But while we might feel lucky, it doesn’t feel good, because never before in my memory has there been such a palpable sense of “all in it together”. We need to get through this with no neighbour left behind.

Then dad-of-two Andrew Townsley, 53, a retired GP from Glasgow, went on

Who Wants To Be A Millionair­e? and came tantalisin­gly close to landing the jackpot.

We’ve been quizzing like crazy since quarantine began and here was one of our own showing the whole country how it’s done.

He blazed through the questions and had us on the edge of our seats, cheering every answer, holding our breath as he contemplat­ed the million-pound biggie:

“In the history of motor sport, which of these iconic races was held first?”

And though he didn’t know, and settled for 500,000 smackeroon­ies, if he’d gone with his gut and answered “D. Isle of Man TT”, Andrew would be a millionair­e by now, the first winner in 14 years. It was far and away the best bit of TV since lockdown began.

Andrew, who suffers from MS and uses a wheelchair, won a fortune and raised the spirits of a nation, bringing a much-needed boost of pride and joy.

So it would be no surprise if our neighbours over the border think Scotland has had a relatively good week in comparison to theirs. But here’s the thing it shows us: good fortune is for sharing.

Andrew’s got a family to treat and various charities he plans to support. Sturgeon’s lauded guidance reflects so badly on BoJo that he’s surely under pressure to up his game. It certainly must make voters demand better, see things differentl­y.

Everyone needs a bit of luck now but brains will take us much further. Thankfully, we’ve got enough of both to share.

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