Sunday Mail (UK)

Lowland’s toughest league in Scotland


England. Even though Scottish football is brilliant – it is getting a lot better – you always have to push your boundaries.

“Being injured and stuck in the gym yourself can be a lonely place.

“You want to push and get yourself back fitter and quicker.

“But you can only go at the pace the physio tells you.

“Every day you’re doing the same thing– it’s mentally tough.

“But it made it easier having Ryan and Sean around. They pushed me on during rehab and I did the same.

“It’s always better when there are boys around you to motivate each other.”

It has been described as fantasy footbal l but Caledonian Braves are convinced a ‘ virtual ’ boardroom concept can make their dream of being an SPFL club become a reality.

The Lowland League side want to blast their way into Scotland’s pro set-up within five years.

At the heart of the masterplan is a global audience that will do more than just support the team from afar.

They will have the running of the club in their hands from a seat in a virtual boardroom.

The Braves – based near Motherwell – have backers as far away as Argentina and Australia buying into their plan.

While manager Ricky Waddell can cal l on former top-flight stars such as Andy Dowie and David Winters to help on the park, owner Chris Ewing is looking further afield for help to make the club soar.

For an annual fee of £19.99 fans get to have a say in key decisions.

Paris- based owner Ewing said: “I know a Lowland League club talking about fans worldwide sounds very

Chris Ewing reckons the Lowland League will be the toughest division in Scotland this season.

East Kilbride, Kelty Hearts and East Stirling are recruiting heavily for the upcoming season.

And Ca l edonian Braves owner Ewing insists the agony of Kelty being denied a shot at promotion to the SPFL has only fuelled the grandiose but the idea is to use the power of the internet through the app we have developed to build a community of fans across the globe.

“Ultimately, we are about putting the big decisions in fans’ hands.

“We might stop short of them picking the team. Ricky would be handing in a resignatio­n if I started telling him someone on the other side of the world was picking his left-back!

“But they will decide on the club’s strategy.”

Braves were only formed nine years ago as part of the Edusport Academy establishe­d by Ewing. But having won promotion from the South of Scot l and League in 2017 they finished eighth in last term’s Lowland League.

Ewing said: “I see a lack of history being an opportunit­y. With the right message people across the world can enjoy the club.” hunger to go up at the end of this campaign.

He said: “The Lowland League is probably the most competitiv­e league in Scottish football now.

“Look at the signings – Kallum Higginboth­am to Kelty and Paul Paton and Chris Erskine to East Kilbride.

“It’s frightenin­g but I relish it. Our dream is to be in the SPFL by 2025.”

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Braves owner Chris Ewing
HECK OF GUY Mallan A and Heckingb ottom sharing a joke GOING GLOBAL Braves owner Chris Ewing
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