Sunday Mail (UK)


Derek Alexander A Scottish Tory councillor who has been repeatedly targeted by gangland thugs claims local authority leaders have left him to pay for his own security. Councillor’s fury after car attacks


Graeme Campbell accused SNP- run South Lanarkshir­e Council of failing to act on recommenda­tions made by Police Scotland.

Officers highlighte­d a series of safety measures Campbell should take after paint stripper was poured on two family cars outside his home in August.

The incident happened months after one of the 4x4 vehicles was firebombed outside the property in Strathaven.

Campbell, 51, has also been subjected to a series of online threats over his stance on crime in the area.

However, he said the council had not contacted him despite chief executive Cleland Sneddon receiving Pol ice Scotland’s detailed audit of security weeks ago. Instead, he faces having to pay for the safety plans himself.

The politician said: “It has been many weeks since Mr Sneddon received the report and I’ve received no communicat­ion.

“In the last 20 months we’ve been firebombed, threatened, had public messages on social media wishing me and my family dead and then an acid attack and vandalism to our property.

“South Lanarkshir­e Council has effectivel­y left me to deal with another attack on my family. They say they care but I’m not sure they do.

“I’m not a counci l lor for f inancial reasons but the costs involved to implement the security recommende­d by Police Scotland would mean that I’m having to fund my own security. Why should I?

“It’s hard to communicat­e how I really feel with so little support from the authority I’m supposed to represent.”

Campbell, who represents the Avondale and Stonehouse ward, was urged by then prime minister Theresa May not to quit when his car was firebombed last year.

Police closed the investigat­ion after hitting a dead end. He was targeted for a second time in August when paint stripper was poured over the BMW X6 and X3 in his driveway. CCTV footage from nearby properties revealed a dark- coloured car pulled up to Campbell’s home and a masked man got out and caused £25,000 of damage.

Campbell, whose wife Fiona is a teacher, took a leave of absence following the latest incident.

South Lanarkshir­e Council said Campbell declined an offer to install a temporary CCTV unit at his home. A spokesman added: “The council has gone to great lengths to support council lor Campbel l in the aftermath of the despicable attacks on his home. The police report referred to did not include any recommenda­tions for additional security measures to be funded by the council.

“We have not heard from Cllr Campbell since he declined the offer of assistance. However, we would be keen to speak again with him on any concerns he has.”

Police Scotland said inquiries into the latest incident were ongoing.

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 ?? Victoria Stewart ?? ANGRY
Graeme Campbell. Right, firebombed car and acid attack on CCTV
Main pic
Victoria Stewart ANGRY Graeme Campbell. Right, firebombed car and acid attack on CCTV Main pic

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