Sunday Mail (UK)

Clarkie was a Rolls-Royce of a footballer and impossible not to like off park I hope he can pull it off and he goes down as a Scottish football legend, just like he is at Chelsea

Old Blues mate Dixon says Steve can create legacy for his country

- Gavin Berry

Kerry Dixon still recalls the quiet Ayrshirema­n who first walked into the Stamford Bridge dressingro­om and purred like a Rolls Royce on the park.

Little could he have known back then, on that day in February 1987, Steve Clarke would go on to become one of Chelsea’s greatest players.

Pound- for- pound, Clarke is regarded as one of the London club’s best signings after the 11 years he spent in SW6 following his move from St Mirren.

Charismati­c former chairman Ken Bates signed a cheque for £422,000 – about the sum former Blues star Eden Hazard is paid per week at Real Madrid.

Clarke more than repaid that with his sterling service, helping the club to three major trophies, including the European Cup Winners’ Cup in 1998 – his 421st and final game – when they defeated Stuttgart in Stockholm.

He saved arguably the biggest for last in his playing career but this week a huge game comes relatively early in his reign as Scotland boss.

And if Clarke the player proved value for Chelsea then he could become one of Scotland’s most profitable managers ever if he can overcome Serbia in Thursday’s Euro 2020 play-off final against Serbia.

His modest transfer fee is loose change in comparison with the potential £10million windfall he could land the SFA at a time when it’s needed more than ever with Covid-19 hitting revenues.

But the showdown in Belgrade is about so much more than just finances – it’s the chance to end more than two decades of failure on the major internatio­nal stage and all the damage that comes with that to the national team.

That is why Clarke’s former Chelsea team-mate Dixon believes the bargain buy as a player can become the one of Scotland’s biggest ever value managers with so much riding on Thursday’s 90 minutes in the Balkans.

Ex-England internatio­nal Dixon was already the darling of Chelsea’s famous Shed end when Clarke arrived in the Big Smoke.

He told MailSport: “Steve was value for money as a player and will be value for money as a manager.

“He has been value to all the managers he worked under and let’s hope he proves value by creating a legacy in Scottish football.

“I’d love to see Scotland qualify for the Euros – and that’s as a proud Englishman but also as a friend of Clarke’s. He’s a great bloke who did well in his playing career – and it would be great to see him hit some heights as a manager.

“Steve served an apprentice­ship under various managers.

“He’s brought it all together and is in a position to use all that expertise and knowledge to benefit Scotland.

“I hope he gets the breaks against Serbia because the game can be cruel, as we’ve seen time and again with various handbal l and penalty decisions.

“I just hope any key calls go his way in a match of this magnitude.

“Steve might not be flamboyant, charismati­c or loud but you don’t always have to be that type of character to get noticed.

“You don’t need to shout from the rooftops to attract attention – that happens from the job you do.

“That is what Steve did as a player and he’s doing it now by taking Scotland as far as he can.

“Leading them to a major tournament would be a wonderful achievemen­t for him. I can still remember looking at Steve when he arrived in 1987 and seeing a quiet, unassuming man.

“But he was like a Rolls Royce when he played. He was quick and smooth. If I had to compare him to someone in recent times then I’d say Branislav Ivanovic – an 8/10 player every week.

“His standards never dropped and while he must have had the occasional poor game I can’t remember one.

“It would have been one every two or three years and you always knew what you were getting with Clarkie. I loved that about him and off the park it was simply impossible not to like him.

“He doesn’t upset people, doesn’t cause problems. He does his job and is very efficient.”

Dixon and Clarke hit it off during their five years together at Stamford Bridge, suffering relegation from the top flight in 1988 before bouncing straight back, despite being two very different characters.

The 59- year- old grabbed the headlines thanks to his 193 goals over nine seasons, his shared Golden Boot with Gary Lineker in 1984/85 and a World Cup appearance for the Three Lions at Mexico 86.

Dixon later had a chaotic time after hanging up his boots with a gambling addiction, journey into drugs and a four-month stint in jail for assault.

Clarke on the other hand was the no-nonsense full-back and rarely allows emotion to get the better of him – even after that dramatic semifinal shoot-out win against Israel.

The pair are separated by a single game in Chelsea’s top 10 all-time appearance list, with Clarke one place above Dixon in eighth.

The ex-striker knows how highly the Hampden boss is regarded in west London as he speaks to wellheeled fans in The Clarke Suite during his work as a match- day corporate hospitalit­y host.

It’s a statue the Tartan Army might be demanding in Mount Florida if he succeeds on Thursday to end a 23-year wait for a ticket to the big time – and a mouthwater­ing Auld Enemy clash at Wembley in the group stage next summer.

Dixon said: “All his former Chelsea team-mates hope Steve pulls it off in Belgrade on Thursday – because it couldn’t happen to a nicer man.

“And he would go down as a true Scottish football legend, just as he is at Chelsea. He’s got a corporate hospitalit­y suite named after him at Stamford Bridge.

“These things are voted for by the Chelsea fans who think certain players should be recognised.

“The Clarke Suite is fully deserved. That’s how highly he’s thought of down at Chelsea.

“It probably doesn’t cost much less for a table in there for a season than it did for the man himself in 1987!

“Seriously, I associate Clarke with success. He played for Chelsea for over 10 years and to do that, for different managers, proves he’s got staying power and the ability to do the job.

“He didn’t score many fantastic goals and if he did I don’t think he’d know how to celebrate! He’s that type of bloke.

“Even when Scotland won their penalty shoot-out against Israel he didn’t show emotion. To be fair I’ve seen him smile but not too often!

“The great subplot is that if Scotland get through then they will play England next summer and I’d love that.

“I never played against Scotland but I was a sub on that rain-lashed day at Hampden in 1985 when Richard Gough scored a winner.”

KERRY ON WINNING Dixon wants Clarke to be a success

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