Sunday Mail (UK)

Bev’s my queen of the castle already

Corrie star’s hubby plans to pop the question again

- ■ Janine Yaqoob

Never mind foul food and creepy crawlies, Beverley Callard is in for an even bigger shock when she exits the I’m A Celeb castle – a fifth wedding.

Fourth hubby Jon McEwan has revealed he is planning a surprise vow renewal.

No matter how well she does on the show, Jon says she is already his queen and a second wedding is the perfect way to see out 2020, a year in which the Corrie star battled back from a hip injury that nearly left her unable to walk.

Jon has already bought the rings and is eyeing a tailored white suit for Bev to wear.

He said “We’ve been through e v e r y t h ing – bankruptcy, depression, electrocon­vulsive therapy, hip operations. As a couple, I thought we should celebrate where we are now.

“She’s my queen already. Just by walking through the I’m A Celeb gates, she’s won.”

They had a huge wedding a decade ago but Jon wants a smaller do this time with 10 to 15 guests. And he has vowed to keep it a secret.

From their home in Salford, he said: “I’m always saying ‘ Why do people bother getting their vows renewed?’ So she’ll have no idea.

“I hope she’s pleased. I’m Beverley’s fourth husband so I have to get it right.”

Beverley married Paul Atkinson in 1974. In 1980, she wed David Sowden and in 1989 married Steve Callard.

But it’s Jon she credits with saving her life. He stood by her when she attempted suicide and lost a fortune through business failures.

Beverley has done well in the I’m A Celeb trials so far but Jon reckons she might come unstuck if faced with her biggest fear – spiders.

He said: “If a big one got anywhere near her hair I think that’d be it.”

The actress, who plays Liz McDonald, is due to leave the soap next year after 31 years. But it’s her next exit, from the castle, that Jon has his mind on.

He said: “I’m thinking of getting down on one knee.”

Beverley with her hubby Jon
LIFESAVER Beverley with her hubby Jon

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