Sunday Mail (UK)

Is PM’s support of Patel after bullying inquiry an absolute disgrace? Priti much


Who among us hasn’t engaged in a light bit of workplace bullying? It seems outrageous that some people are demanding Priti Patel be fired for just this offence.

Allegation­s against Patel came to light in March, after a Home Office permanent secretary resigned over what he called a “vicious and orchestrat­ed campaign” against him for challengin­g Patel on her alleged mistreatme­nt of civil servants. According to reports, another official collapsed after a row with Patel.

And yet another employee in Patel’s previous department, Work and Pensions, received a £25,000 payout after she alleged that she had been bullied in 2015 by Patel, who was employment minister at the time. The DWP did not admit liability and the case did not come before a tribunal. Patel then moved to the Department for Internatio­nal Developmen­t, where she was accused of humiliatin­g civil servants in front of others in 2017. What to do with such an appalling person? Promote her to home secretary, of course. Home secretary? In any sane society, the smirking disgrace that is Patel would have difficulty getting a job outside of the Home Shopping Channel. In the toilet of the mind that is the UK in 2020, some people think she’d make a decent prime minister.

Well, the good news is that the Cabinet Office inquiry into her conduct, led by adviser on ministeria­l standards Sir

Alex Allen, found Patel guilty of violating ministeria­l codes of conduct. But who rules on those findings? Boris Johnson.

Obviously, there was no way he was going to lend his support to an arrogant, unqualifie­d, sneering entitled bully, was there? Oh, he did.

Sir Alex resigned in protest. Because it seems he has a conscience.

Patel and Johnson? Not so much.

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Priti Patel
INQUIRY Priti Patel

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