Sunday Mail (UK)

Our pride in child soldier son and his brave mission to help victims of war

Actors on how adopted teenager landed top cop job aiding refugees

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Richard Simpson

As a script, it might seem far-fetched – boy soldier escapes war zone, is adopted by famous couple... then aids refugees who still face hell.

But this is not a Hol lywood invention. It is the real-life tale of Tindyebwa Agaba Wise and the couple who gave him a new life in Britain – actors Emma Thompson, 61, and Greg Wise, 54.

Tindy, 33, witnessed unimaginab­le horror in his native Rwanda.

But today he is a proud humanitari­an who has just landed a prized job with a specialist arm of the Metropolit­an Police, helping refugees just like him.

Greg tells how he and Emma – whose mum is Scottish actress Phyllida Law – couldn’t be prouder of their “remarkable son”, who has worked in war zones across the globe.

Greg, star of films such as Sense And Sensibilit­y, said of the Met Police role: “Tindy is just about to start a job there and he’s doing some very interestin­g things – an adjunct of the work he was doing in war zones. Helping struggling people, working with victims of traff icking and radicalisa­tion… that kind of thing.

“It’s a very rewarding thing to have happened.”

Tindy’s achievemen­ts – he graduated with two degrees and speaks eight languages – are all the more remarkable when you understand his background.

His biological father died of Aids when he was just nine. And when Tindy turned 12, soldiers stormed his village to kidnap its children. Unimaginab­le violence ensued.

When the sound of machinegun fire and screaming subsided, militia rounded up Tindy and nine other children and marched them across unfamiliar bush for days.

The boys were separated from the girls and that was the last time Tindy saw his three sisters.

They went missing, presumed raped. Almost certainly murdered.

His next memory is of arriving at a prison camp where he would remain for three years – to be radical ised, brainwashe­d and trained as a child soldier.

Aged 16, having finally escaped Rwanda thanks to the kindness of a charity worker at Care Internatio­nal, he boarded a f light for London to claim asylum.

But he ended up living a twilight life among drug addicts, prostitute­s and drunks, sleeping rough on the streets around London’s Trafalgar Square.

It is perhaps not surprising, then, the mistrust and suspicion Tindy init ial ly felt towards Emma, who offered him help at a Refugee Council event months later.

“I wondered, ‘ What does she want?’” Tindy would later admit.

If the past had taught him one thing, it was that encounters with unfamiliar adults usually ended very badly.

But Emma tracked him down again and invited him round for a Christmas Eve dinner. That dinner

turned into regular stays at her £15million house in West Hampstead, north London, where he was given his own room.

Then there were whole weekends. Then whole weeks.

In the end, Emma and Greg adopted him “informally” – Tindy by then old enough to make his own legal decisions. Still unable to utter more than a few words of English, he moved in with Emma, Greg and their daughter Gaia, then two – and now 20.

But it was a while before Tindy realised just who his new parents were.

A year after he first came to London, in 2004, something extraordin­ary happened. Tindy, newly enrolled at college and learning to speak English, was in class, studying Shakespear­e.

His teacher pulled out a DVD of Henry V, dimmed the lights and pressed play. Three scenes into the film, a woman wearing a crown appeared on the screen. Tindy blinked.

It was the woman whose house, by this point, he’d come to think of as home. He’d even started cal ling Emma “mum”. That was the first inkling of the new life he was getting into.

Tindy embraced it. He soared through education, achieving a degree in politics at Exeter University and a second degree, in human rights law, at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.

He now speaks English, Arabic, a bit of French and f ive Af r ican languages.

It was after unspeakabl­e horror during the Rwandan genocide – when some 500,000 were murdered – that Tindy put himself on a path to try to right the dreadful wrongs he had witnessed as a child.

Emma and Greg supported him all the way.

Greg said: “He is an absolutely extraordin­ary young man and he, of course, knows more than his fair share of death and grief having been a chi ld soldier captured by the [Rwandan militia group] Interahamw­e and then managing to escape.

“Because he has suffered, he can understand what others go through. That is a fantastica­lly powerful force to have around at the moment.”

After university, Tindy worked for the Uni ted Nat ions High Commission for Human Rights before setting up a charity providing pastoral care to refugees and asylum seekers in Cairo.

As well as Egypt, he has worked in Burma, Liberia and Palestine –

HORROR Militia take attack villages kids to turn theminto and

soldiers and even studied again at university in Iran. Speaking about the reasons they decided to informally adopt Tindy, Emma has previously said: “Sometimes being friends is not enough. You need family.

“I think we don’t talk enough about the happiness that it gives you to find new connection­s with strangers and people who aren’t familiar to you.”

Emma, famed for movies such as Harry Potter, Nanny McPhee and Love Actually, has introduced Tindy t o ma n y o f h e r c el e b r i t y f r iend s including Hugh Laurie and Rowan Atkinson, who live nearby.

Tindy posed happily for a family picture at Buckingham Palace when Emma was made a dame by Prince Wil liam two years ago.

And fami ly is most important for him – memories of the one he left in Rwanda and the one who rescued him in London.

He is very much settled here and is married to a Chinese marketing expert who is studying to be an astrophysi­cist at King’s College University in London.

The couple sti l l l ive near Greg and Emma.

Greg added: “We are al l literally living in each other’s pockets sti ll – af ter al l this time.

“And we are still a very, very close- knit family.” Greg Wise is an ambassador for end- of- life care charity Mar ie Curie and is among a roll call of names supporting a National Day of Ref lection next year to remember coronaviru­s victims.

Because he has suffered, he can relate to what others are going through

 ??  ?? SUPPORT
Phyllida, Greg, Tindy, Emma and Gaia at graduation
SUPPORT Phyllida, Greg, Tindy, Emma and Gaia at graduation
 ??  ?? SMART MOVE Tindy has two degrees and speaks eight languages
CLOSE BOND Tindy still lives near star Emma
SMART MOVE Tindy has two degrees and speaks eight languages CLOSE BOND Tindy still lives near star Emma
 ??  ?? After Emma became a dame
After Emma became a dame

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