Sunday Mail (UK)

A new kidney was the best present ever. Now I hope one day someone will give my boys the gift of life too

Sons could need donor in future


Heather Greenaway Nothing Santa puts in Ross Young’s stocking will ever beat the magical Christmas present he was given 10 years ago – a kidney.

That selfless gift from someone he had never met changed his life and has given him the chance to watch his children grow up.

And Ross, 48, hopes in the future another two strangers will give the same magical gift to his sons Euan, 16, and Blair, 13.

Since Ross’s transplant in 2010, both his boys have been diagnosed with the same hereditary condition – polycystic kidney disease ( PKD) – which means one day they too could need a transplant.

Ross, a facilities managers from East Calder in West Lothian, said: “Ten years ago I was given the best Christmas

Ross and the LOOKING UP

five years ago boys hillwalkin­g present anyone could ask for – a second chance at life.

“Thanks to my donor and their family I have been able to watch my two boys grow up, which is the best gift anyone could ever have given me.

“Since the moment I had my transplant, I have been determined to live the best life I can in honour of the stranger who made my Christmas wish come true and I’m hoping that in the future, if Euan and Blair need it, two other donors will do the same for them.”

The proud dad added: “In the last few years we’ve discovered both boys have inherited my PKD where clusters of cysts develop in your kidneys, causing them to enlarge and lose function over time.

“At the minute, my sons are showing no symptoms of the disease and with the advancemen­ts in treatments they hopefully will never need a transplant – but if they do, I’m hoping they too will be given the gift of life.”

Ross started feeling poorly in late 2003 and put his three- stone weight loss in just three weeks down to a bad case of gastroente­ritis.

Extreme fatigue prompted him to make an appointmen­t with his GP and, in January 2004, he was diagnosed with PKD when his eldest son Euan was just six weeks old.

Ross was put on medication which helped but over the next six years his kidney function slowly deteriorat­ed, resulting in him being l isted for transplant in March 2010.

In November 2010, after only 10 weeks on dialysis, he got the call that a match had been found.

Ross said: “I’d adapted quite well to life on dialysis and was trying to just get on with it, not knowing how long the call would take to come.

“I hadn’t really had any issues until the phone rang one night at 11.30pm, with the news that a kidney had been found for me. The transplant could not have gone any better. Sometimes it takes a while for the kidney to start working but my plumbing kicked in straight away.

“I had been taking par t in Movember to raise money for charity

and my big ginger moustache gave the incredible doctors and nurses at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary even more reasons to smile.”

Ros s ’ s he a l t h imp r o v ed dramatical­ly after the transplant, so much so that less than a year later he won a gold in lawn bowling at the British Transplant Games. This earned him a place at the World Transplant Games in Durban in 2013, where he won the world title.

He said: “Winning the titles was a massive bonus but the fact I got my quality of life back was what mattered to me most. I wanted to compete at the Transplant Games to show people that your life doesn’t stop when you get a transplant and as a thank you to my donor.”

In 2014, Ross had to undergo surgery to remove his old kidney.

The dad, who was force to shield from March to August , added: “I was going to throw a 10th anniversar­y party for my kidney but because of lockdown, that didn’t happen. Instead, I took the day of f work and spent the t ime ref lecting on the past 10 years and celebratin­g with a nice home- cooked steak dinner.

“After my transplant, I wrote a letter to my anonymous donor’s fami ly thanking them. I hope it brought them some comfort knowing how grateful I am for the gift their loved one gave to me.”

From March 26, 2021, Scotland will move to an opt-out system of organ and tissue donation to help save and improve lives. The change in law means that if people aged 16 and over have not recorded a decision about donation, they will be considered as a possible donor when they die.

Ross said: “I have always felt strongly about the law changing to an opt- out system, and I even approached the Scottish Parliament to raise it in 2013, which is when I learnt the wheels were already in motion for the Bill. I am really pleased to see the law finally coming into action next year.”

I’ve always thought we need to have opt-out system

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 ?? ?? FAMILY MATTERS Ross Young with sons Euan and Blair Pic Victoria Stewart
FAMILY MATTERS Ross Young with sons Euan and Blair Pic Victoria Stewart
 ?? ?? BOWLED OVER Winning gold at the World Transplant Games
BOWLED OVER Winning gold at the World Transplant Games

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