Sunday Mail (UK)

It’s party time.. but just not that kind of party


It’s Oscars night... the 93rd Academy Awards will be staged outdoors in Los Angeles in a scaled-down event that will be short on the usual glitz.

What a shame, because we could really do with the entertainm­ent of gawping at the A-listers as they shimmy along the red carpet trying to pretend they don’t care if they win.

Here in Scotland, our set-piece excitement takes the form of a parliament­ary election campaign. Holyrood, not Hollywood – worlds apart indeed. With 10 days left till the big vote, the parties are putting on their best acts, desperate to win us over, even if that means selling us a line or two.

They deserve a bit of recognitio­n, don’t they? So, ladies and gents, meet the winners of the very first Hoscars… the Holyrood Oscars.

Tearful acceptance speeches are banned due to Covid.


Ruth Davidson, soon to be Baroness Davidson.

What a performanc­e she’s given in her role as understudy to the “real” Scottish Tory leader, Douglas Ross. The troublesom­e fact that Ross is an MP and not a member of the Scottish Parliament at the moment means versatile Ruth has had to share the spotlight more often than she’d like. I mean, the woman’s got packing to do so she can move to the House of Lords – those ermine-trimmed robes aren’t going to leap into a suitcase by themselves, are they? (Sadly, the ermine are long dead). Who could fault her appearance by his side on Edinburgh’s Calton Hill the other day, helping Doughty Dougie slide a gigantic voting paper into a huge envelope so that we muddle-headed voters know how to complete a postal vote. She was the Bond Girl to his 007, the Bonnie to his Clyde, the Debbie McGee to his Paul Daniels. And that’s magic!


Boris Johnson. Sometimes less is more in politics and the PM has wisely decided that the less time he spends in Scotland, the more support he’s giving Wee Dougie Ross. His non-appearance during the election campaign is, ironically, the best performanc­e he’s ever put in. Give him enough plaudits for it and maybe he’ll stay away forever.


Whoever puts together campaign films for

George Galloway’s All

for Unity Party. The

bright spark took Gorgeous George and hhisis battle soapbox to GretnaGree­nGretnaGre­en last week to deliver fiery oratory overr Nicola Sturgeon’s handling of

Covid restrictio­ns. There he was,s, supported in the background byy his better half – aka Mrs Gallowayay – who spent most of the speech hanging on to an election billboard that was being blown about by the wind. Just as ever-verbose Galloway got into his stride – ranting about “Brigadoon obscuranti­sm” – the workmen drilling up the road nearby upped the ante with their jackhammer. Sadly, I fear I still heard George accusesee the Scottish Government of spending taxpayers’ cash having words like “dildo” translated into Gaelic. Ahem.

Cecil B DeMille, rest easy.


Nicola Sturgeon. Say what you like about her policies but the First Minister is way out in frontnt with her natty line of face masks.ks. She even coordinate­s them with herer outfits,outfits topping off her favourite monochrome ensembles with matching tartan masks. No disposable blue surgical versions for the SNP leader, even when she’s slicing off Alba defectors like bothersome warts. Then there’s her kick-ass shoe collection. Kudos to any woman who can turn up to a year of Covid briefings in 3in stilettos without a pause to rub skint heels or searing corns. Remember, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did but backwards and in high heels (clarificat­ion: Sturgeon has definitely not done EVERYTHING Salmond did). BEST LIVE ACTION SHORT The Alba Party Campaign Broadcast. Who can stop

watching w this masterclas­s in cinematogr­aphy? Nothing No says “modern, progressiv­e Scotland” more m than a gathering of clans on a windswept hillside: hi standards flying, patriotic hearts swelling sw with pride. This is the Braveheart

Mel M Gibson wanted to make – but thought it stretched the limits of shortbread-tin Scottishne­ss Sc a little too far. As the Robert the Bruce Br statue should have cried at the end of the th ad: “They may take our SNP membership­s but bu theyy will never take our supermajor­ity.”


(alsalso known as “sticking res resolutely to the script so you don don’t mess up the party’s best chance chan for years of gaining votes”) Step fforward Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar. His tactics for scraping seconsecon­d place in the election seem to be “do no harm”. What does he think about a second IndyRef? He can’t risk losing independen­cei voters so change the subsubject. What about renegotiat­ing Bojo’s Brexit?B Well, that’s quite tricky because Starmer doesn’t want to, so just move on.on Can he succeed by being a nice, positivpos­itiveve guy?g Maybe, maybe not. Let’s waitt anand see. Now, back to the script – hhow d’you fancy a £75 voucher to spespend on the high street?

BE BEST VISUAL EFFECTS Lib De Dem leader Willie Rennie. He has skiskilful­ly created the illusion that he iis a tiny little man by staging photphotoc­alls beside ginormous props. The camera trickery of The Hobbit hhas nothing on Willie’s tactics: recline on a ssuper-sized deckchair; play withith enormous chess pieces, wander around with a humongous “pledge card” almost as big as himself, a bit like putting a sandwich-board on a toddler. We’re reliably informed Rennie is not a Hobbit, though his hopes of victory are borne of fantasy land.

BEST ACTOR & ACTRESS Co-winners of this co-award are Green Party co-leaders Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater. They would probably rather not be assigned to a gender-based category and reckon they should be judged as co-stars. The Scottish Greens have got themselves into a bit of a fankle with a manifesto pledge that appears to scrap the recording of sex and gender on birth certificat­es. Their Hoscar statuette will be allowed to self identify.

■ A family’s gender revreveal party fireworks wewere so loud, they set off aan earthquake scare.

TThe parents in New HaHampshir­e used 80lb of eexplosive­s in a quarry insinstead of a confetti gugun. Police say the blablast rattled homes and bleblew pictures off walls. ThThere were no injuries.

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 ??  ?? GREEN
Harvie TEAM and Slater
OUT KED nie DEC Ren ie
GREEN Harvie TEAM and Slater OUT KED nie DEC Ren ie Will
 ??  ?? BEST FOOT FORWARD Nicola Sturgeon. Left, Anas Sarwar
BEST FOOT FORWARD Nicola Sturgeon. Left, Anas Sarwar
 ??  ?? FIERY
Galloway. Left, Davidson and Ross
FIERY Galloway. Left, Davidson and Ross
 ??  ?? HOSCAR GLORY Donald Dewar statuette
HOSCAR GLORY Donald Dewar statuette
 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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