Sunday Mail (UK)

Old Firm entitled to play a role


Ronald de Boer believes the Old Firm should always be involved in any revamp of European football.

Like most people, the former Rangers star was vehemently against the new Super League idea proposed by some of the biggest clubs from England, Spain and Italy.

De Boer was delighted to see it scrapped before it started – but he is not against positive change within the game.

And having spent four years at Ibrox between 2000 and 2004, he’s well aware of the size and stature of Glasgow’s big two.

De Boer is adamant that any discussion­s over changes to the Champions League or other competitio­ns, should always include Rangers and Celtic.

He said: “If you just talk about merchandis­e and interest from people around the world, Rangers and Celtic are definitely up there.

“Wherever you go, there are an unbelievab­le amount of fans from those clubs.

“I’m not talking about the quality of football in Scotland, just the magnitude of the clubs themselves.

“They’re huge. That’s why, on that level, they’re very close to these big teams we’re talking about, I’m 100 per cent sure of that.

“So if there are any changes in the future, they should be involved or considered.”

De Boer accepts that Europe’s biggest hitters are operating at a different level to the Old Firm.

He said: “Unfor tunately, financiall­y right now they are light years away from clubs like Real Madrid.

“They’ve already made money from the Champions League and if something like a Super League happened, Rangers and Celtic would be further away than ever.

“That’s wrong. There should always be a chance to make that step and compete.

“Ajax are a great example, with what they’ve done in the last few years. They made huge steps.

“They’re healthy, they have their own money.

“Unlike Real Madrid, they have a positive bank account.

“We have to look more at that model. Then, football will then become closer.”

 ??  ?? De Boer tackles Lennon
De Boer tackles Lennon

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