Sunday Mail (UK)

Howe’s lost in space as Celts crash to earth


I have one question concerning the Ingenuity space helicopter that was hovering around Mars the other day.

Did Celtic ask NASA to put it up there to see if there was any sign of Eddie Howe?

He could be in another galaxy for all we know – because there’s certainly been no sign of him on Planet Glasgow.

The supposed death of football as we know it, and the eventual demise of the European Super League instead, took three days to complete. From start to finish.

Today, Celtic will enter their ninth week without a permanent manager after the departure of Neil Lennon.

Are they seriously going to enter a 10th week next Sunday, with the vacancy still open, while the team goes to Ibrox hoping to make it sixth time lucky by getting a win over Rangers?

The yet-to-beofficial­ly-crowned champions had a sarcastic go at Celtic after their Scottish Cup win over the managerles­s visitors to Ibrox.

Their online message said: “Good win over the best team in the league.”

A reference, of course, to interim manager’s comment that, on their day, Celtic were the best team in the country.

Were Rangers Media being disrespect­ful? Since when did respect come into it concerning relations between the clubs?

There is no code of conduct, only an order of merit based on the understand­ing that, when the pendulum swings back in favour of your rivals, you get returned to you what you dished out – and more – by way of reprisal.

All that Celtic have left in terms of trying to ingratiate themselves to a support who have been appalled by the awful nature of their team’s season is a league win over Rangers to blemish their so-far undefeated record.

It’s not much but in the world capital of bragging rights it’s enough for street parties and fireworks.

You would have thought you might want to have in a manager in time to see if you can make that happen.

But, as things stand, Celtic appear to have a candidate list that is one name long.

That’s one name fewer than the number of chief executives currently working at the club.

With regard to Howe, I’ve heard of due diligence but this is ridiculous.

If there is an impediment that prevents the anointed one from agreeing to join Celtic then surely there is only one course of action available

to the

club. Celtic should tell Howe to take, or leave, the offer on the table.

And if he declines then they go elsewhere.

How long do you need to stare each other out while waiting for someone to blink?

You would have thought the club would have looked at the re-assertion of people power down south in the days covering the inception, and then destructio­n, of the ESL, by fans of clubs like Liverpool and Man U.

It should have made them realise it was time to get a move on before they send out their season ticket book renewal forms.

“Who’s the manager going to be?”

Don’t know.

“Which players will be staying or going at the end of the season?” Don’t know.

“When will we get back inside the ground to see a match?

If there’s an impediment to stop Howe from joining there’s only one course of action – take or leave it

Don’t know. Will you be paying by cash or card?

It’s a novel business strategy. There is one way to raise the season ticket money without harming the family budget.

On May 15, Rangers will be presented with the league trophy that ended Celtic’s dream of 10-in-a-row.

On the same day at Wembley, Brendan Rodgers’ Leicester City will face Chelsea in the FA Cup Final.

There is fate staring you right in the face. The man whose name must not be spoken is obviously a shoo-in to crown the season when, for Celtic and their fans, anything that could go wrong did go wrong.

Please gamble responsibl­y.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? WRITTEN IN THE STARS Leicester boss Rodgers (left) and Howe (above)
WRITTEN IN THE STARS Leicester boss Rodgers (left) and Howe (above)

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