Sunday Mail (UK)

I’d tell Ed Turnbull is Hoops’ main man

- ■ Scott McDermott

Stephen Robinson will tell old pal Eddie Howe to build a new- look Celtic team around David Turnbull – if he lands the Parkhead job.

The former Motherwell boss says the midfielder will be the perfect fit for Howe, who remains favourite for the Hoops hot-seat.

Robinson insists Turnbull has been the solitary success story from Celtic’s horror

campaign, which saw Neil Lennon depart as boss as their 10-in-arow bid flopped.

Robinson nurtured and developed a young Turnbull at Fir Park and expects him to go on to emu lat e current Parkhead midf ielders Scot t Brown and Callum McGregor.

The 21-year-old has been their best player for months and has scored nine goals already this term.

And Robinson expects his old teammate Howe – or any potential new gaffer – to base their rebuild of Celtic around Turnbull.

He told MailSport: “I know Eddie very well because we played at Bournemout­h together.

“If he does take the Celtic job I’m sure he will be asking me questions about David.

“You’ve seen the

HOWE own style players Eddie had at Bournemout­h in the Premier League and the style of football he liked to play.

“It was usually high intensity, with quick passing and moving through the zones.

“David fits into that perfectly.

“No matter if it is Eddie, or any other manager, they would be very lucky to work with David.

“As long as he keeps developing with his feet on the ground – and the boy I know from Motherwell will do that – he’ll definitely progress at Celtic no matter who’s in charge.

“Whoever does come in as manager, David will have a big part to play in that Celtic team.

“He has been their one shining light to come out of a season where Celtic haven’t achieved what they wanted to.”

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