Sunday Mail (UK)

National bankers secrecy outrage

State investment bosses accused after refusing to turn up for MSPs’ grilling

- John Ferguson ■ Political Editor

Senior management of Scotland’s National Investment Bank are at the centre of a transparen­cy row after failing to appear before a committee of MSPs.

Holyrood’s Net Zero committee requested the SNIB’s leadership attend parliament earlier this month for a grilling.

But the bank – led by acting CEO Sarah Roughead – decl ined the invitation and said it would provide a written submission, the Sunday Mail has learned.

The bank was set up by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and will be handed £ 2billion of taxpayers’ cash over the next decade.

But it has already been criticised over transparen­cy after ex- CEO Eilidh Mactaggart quit for “personal reasons” in January.

She announced she was stepping down after we highlighte­d the fact £ 50million of taxpayers’ cash was handed to a firm with tax haven links.

It emerged Mactaggart had received £117,500 – half her annual salary – when she left her post immediatel­y rather than working her notice.

Jamie Halcro Johnston, Scottish Conservati­ves’ shadow minister for business, trade, tourism and enterprise, said: “It seems extraordin­ary senior management at the Scottish National Investment Bankank should decline a request to appearpear before Holy-Holyrood’s Net Zeroro committee.

“It must bee accountabl­e for the publicc money it is supposed to be using for the public’s benefit.enefit.

“We are alreadyady well used to the high- handed and obsessivel­y secretive approach of the SNP in government. Itt would be worrying if this was now beingng adopted byy those publ icc bodies that repor t to SNP ministers too.” Scot t ish Libera l Democrat s spokesman for finance John Ferry said: “A Already a think tank report has called the SNIB ‘rather unfocused and ill- conceived’.conceive The bank’s chief exec al also mysterious­ly quit less than th two years into the role, rol receiving an exit paymepayme­nt of £117,500 instead of working her notice. notic No explanatio­n has been given. “The SNIB is gaining ga a growing in reputation for fo secrecy and subterfuge. The Scottish Government need to put transparen­cy and openness first but this doesn’t seem a priority.”

The SNIB invests in private firms with the aim of accelerati­ng Scotland’s transition to a low-carbon economy.

A spokesman denied the bank refused to appear before MSPs but accepted they had been asked and agreed to respond in writing.

He said: “The bank remains keen to be an ongoing contributo­r to discussion­s relating to Net Zero, its missions and the wider Scottish economy, and continue to contribute to and support the committee’s aims – including in future meetings.”

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SNIB SNUB Roughead

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