Sunday Mail (UK)

Cannabis gave my life back

Karen beats PTSD after 10 years


An abuse survivor has told how medical cannabis saved her from PTSD brought on by her childhood ordeal.

Karen Julia, 44, said the drug had “given her life back” after using it daily for just three months.

She suffered delayed onset PTSD in 2012, when she was 34, which left her struggling to sleep.

Karen, from Glasgow, said: “I feel like a different person. I’ve never felt better.”

As well as being astounded by the relief it gave her, Karen was surprised by the lack of side effects. She said: “I thought medical cannabis would make me feel high and negatively impact my work but I actually feel a sense of calm.”

Post-traumatic stress disorder affects one in three people who have had a form of traumatic experience.

Wedding photograph­er Karen said: “I’d been made homeless at 15 and successful­ly divorced my parents after a lifetime of neglect and abuse.

“At the time, I focused on getting myself through school and found solace in photograph­y. It wasn’t until years later that the past trauma started seriously impacting my life.

“I was like a ball of adrenaline and would be wide awake at the slightest sound at night. It had a profound effect on my personal and profession­al life. I was exhausted and struggling to work.”

Like many PTSD patients, Karen felt standard prescripti­ons of antidepres­sants were merely masking symptoms rather than treating the condition. She also tried an eye movement desensit isation and reprocessi­ng treatment that eased her symptoms but didn’t help her sleep disturbanc­es.

Af ter almost a decade, she was beginning to lose hope but, after having respite from maximum-dose CBD oil, she decided to try medical cannabis oil.

The oil can be legally obtained on prescripti­on via private clinics in the UK but only after exhausting a range of NHS first-line therapies and treatments.

Last month the UK Medical Cannabis Registry presented 20 new research papers at the Internatio­nal Cannabinoi­d Research Society Conference, covering conditions including PTSD.

In the US a study published in April data revealed that over 12 months all 150 participan­ts reported a fall in PTSD symptom severity and were 2.57 times more likely to recover than patients not using cannabis.

Another trial, where cannabis products were administer­ed at individual prescripti­on doses over 90 days to 14 veterans with PTSD, found symptoms reduced by 47 per cent.

Incredibly, 71 per cent of participan­ts achieved PTSD remission by the end of the study.

Karen said: “My sleep is so much better than it has been for a decade. I no longer have headaches or feel groggy. Even my skin and concentrat­ion improved. I have fresh hope for the future. It’s still early days but my life is already so much more fulfilling.”

Psychiatri­st Dr James Rucker, of Harley Street specialist Sapphire Clinics, said: “The emerging research with cannabis shows it dampens down this part of the


 ?? ?? Wedding photograph­er Karen Julia feels much better
Wedding photograph­er Karen Julia feels much better
 ?? ?? HELP FOR PTSD Medical cannabis
HELP FOR PTSD Medical cannabis

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