Sunday Mail (UK)

Parents in plea to FM for inquiry over bail

- MSP Russell Findlay

The parents of Claire Inglis have appealed to the First Minister to hold an independen­t inquiry into why her violent killer was granted bail to her address.

Christophe­r McGowan murdered his girlfriend Claire six weeks after he was released from prison.

Her devastated parents Ian and Fiona have called on Humza Yousaf to order an inquiry to determine why the serial offender was granted bail, leaving him free to commit a murder they say could have been avoided.

They have also expressed extreme concern over the Scottish Government’s Bail and Release from Custody Act, which they fear may make it easier for violent criminals to be granted bail.

Ian said: “It’s a terribly hard situation. We’ve been devastated by the loss of our daughter.

“On one hand we want to ensure the new Bail and Release from Custody Act is fit for purpose and what happened to Claire never happens again. We want to make sure no other family has to go through the heartbreak and pain that we have suffered. This Act should not make it easier for violent criminals to be granted bail.

“However, we also don’t want to forget Claire and, although her killer is behind bars, we want to know who was behind the decisions that left him free to kill her.”

He added: “McGowan had a lengthy rap sheet of previous conviction­s, including for violence, breaching bail and domestic abuse, so who looked at his case and thought it was a good idea to release him to my daughter’s house to live with her and her young son?

“Claire’s mother and I believe if that decision to bail him had been different, Claire would still be alive.”

Scottish Conservati­ve justice spokesman Russell Findlay last week asked Yousaf why McGowan was granted bail “not just once, or twice, but five times” during First Minister’s Questions.

However, the FM defended the Bail and Release from Custody Act, insisting victim safety is “absolutely at the heart” of the new legislatio­n. In response to Findlay’s questions, Yousaf said he would raise the matter with Scotland’s highest law officials.

Findlay also backed the calls for an independen­t inquiry.

Ian and Fiona Inglis
DEVASTATED Ian and Fiona Inglis

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