Fan club chief inspires the next generation of hunters with million catching online vids
place and the mystery is just something else. A lot of people are drawn to it.
“Since I started the TikTok, we’ve grown to 399 members, which is incredible. It’s increased since I started the social media and let people know they can rejoin.”
Despite being a believer in the myth for her whole life, Paige is yet to have a confirmed sighting of the beast herself.
She said: “With the help of modern-day technology, you can zoom in very nicely and realise it’s just a duck in the distance. For me personally the saddest thing is I haven’t actually seen it, I haven’t had a confirmed sighting. I’m hopeful that I will one day.”
She said the process of maintaining the register isn’t straightforward, with every submission needing to be verified before it’s accepted or rejected.
Paige said: “One of the biggest qualifying things has to be getting contextext like location, time and then ideallyally evidenced in a picture or video.o.
“There’s a lot of common errors that people make so we always ask people if there have been any boats in the area, could it have been a boat wake?
“We’ve had a lot of stormss so there’s a lot more driftwoodod and there are certain locationsations where they are more permanent.nent.
“The amazing thing about TikTok is people are coming forward with information of what they’re seeing day to day at Loch Ness that helps us build a better picture of what’s going on in the area.” As well aas engaging with other Nessie fans, Paige has been contacontacted by other mythical creacreature hunters thanks to her online presence.
SShe said: “Within the papast few months, I’ve been cocontacted by Bigfoot hunhunters over in Texas. We’re lucklucky to be involved in the world of cryptids – creatures whose existenceexi is not confirmed. “It’s great when we actually meet with other people and talk online about what they’ve seen too.”