Sunday Mail (UK)

Clement audits game like Ange


assor tment of mult i- mi l lion pound misfits.

I ’ ve always laughed at the xenophobic attitude of the fans in this country who look at a foreign player when he arrives here from somewhere more exotic and question his credential­s with a sneering remark.

“Aye but can he do it on a wet midweek night in Dundee?” is the challenge.

C lement ’ s side provided an emph a t i c a l l y positive answer to that one while scoring five goals at Dens Park in midweek.

The manager speaks about his introducto­ry phase at Ibrox as being an “observatio­n period”.

Last Sunday’s league win over Hearts was a “reference game”.

Today’s Viaplay Cup semi-final with Hearts at Hampden might be thought a confirmati­on fixture. Confirmati­on of Clement’s influence on his players growing at a ferocious rate. Too ferocious for Hearts to stop them from reaching the final, I suspect.

If Clement hadn’t been otherwise occupied this weekend, he would have been taking on St Johnstone in a league match at Ibrox.

The Saints players, after a midweek win over Killie, seemed to get the bounce that came from no longer having Steven MacLean as manager.

MacLean gave an impression he thought praise was a sign of weakness and threats worked better to i nc ent i v i s e players.

Clement has not been overly critical, or excessivel­y b oa s t f u l . Be i n g controlled has worked for him so far – like it did with Ange.

Clement and Ange (left) didn’t take long to suss our game

g in Stayin works l contro it did – like ge for An

Rodgers lacks security blanket

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