Sunday Mail (UK)

Tav: My score rate is no fluke


“Some penalty takers look at the keeper but I’ve never really ventured into that scene.

“I don’t really look at anyone else, I just know it’s my job at Rangers to put the ball in the back of the net.

“I can look into the background­s of the keepers – like where they’ve gone for previous penalt ies. I have al l that informatio­n.

“I practise all the time with Colin and the other keepers.

“We know that a clean strike more or less beats the keeper.

“So I just keep practising that. If I get a clean strike with a lot of power behind it, the majority of times the ball will go in.

“The keepers have a lot of info on us so it’s like a game of chess.

“You’re trying to out- guess each other on where to go.

“But as long as I get it in the


place I want it will be out of the goalie’s reach.”

At just 23, Tavernier stepped up at Wembley in a tense League One play- off final shoot- out for Rotherham United.

His penalty helped the Millers reach the Championsh­ip.

He arrived at Rangers a year later and, after becoming the designated penalty taker, he has seen off plenty of contenders trying to take his crown.

Incredibly, Tavernier is so meticulous in his preparatio­n that he claims to know where he’s going to put his next one – two DAYS before he hits it.

He said: “When I first came up here, Martyn Waghorn and Kenny Miller were taking the pens before I decided to push myself to the front of the queue and get on them.

“So I could actually have scored a lot more by now.

“I’ve always felt comfortabl­e taking them but I didn’t have the technique I have now at the start.

“For myself, it’s a lot about technique. I’ve taken a lot of them now and you do get a little bit nervous. But it’s generally down to technique.

“If that is spot on you’re normally putting the ball where you want it to go.

“As long as I know what spot I’m going for – and I’ll know the day or a couple of days before – I just need to execute it.

“You get lads coming in, usually strikers. But with a good record I can put them to one side and keep them off my back.

“To continue to do that I need to keep putting them away.

“If I hadn’t scored the second one against Hearts recently after missing the first, I’d have lads

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