Sunday Mail (UK)

Demolition fears of neighbours rocked by gas blast horror

Locals worry they’ll never be able to return home

- Norman Silvester


Dozens of residents rocked by a gas explosion in their street have been unable to return to their homes and some fear their properties may have to be pulled down.

The blast last week killed James Smith, 84, and injured neighbours Robert Taylor and Stephanie Chapman. Five homes next to the centre of the explosion in Baberton Mains Avenue in Edinburgh are boarded up and are under police guard. Owners of houses opposite were given permission on Friday to retrieve personal effects. Gary Taylor, 65, and wife Norma, 75, fear they may never be able to return to the home where they’ve lived for 35 years and claim it may have to be demolished. The retired bookseller said the blast on December 1 caused five-centimetre cracks crack in his wal ls and ceilings. ce

He aadded: “The noise from tthe explosion will be one I’ll never forget. I have resigned myself to theth fact the house might mig have to be pulled pulle down if it is not structural­ly stru safe. At the end of the day it may ma depend on what t heh i n su r anc e compaco n ies a re preparedpr to pay. Gary bel ieves that,th even if his property is repaired and declared safe, it could be a year before he gets back in.

The area around the blast site has been sealed off to allow a police investigat­ion to take place. It is understood that the Crown Office has ordered all gas devices and appliances to be removed from the rubble for examinatio­n.

A number of locals, including Steven MacLennan and Ross Aitchison, have been hailed heroes for pulling Stephanie from her collapsed home. Others helped lead her partner Robert to safety.

Both Robert, 54, and Stephanie, 43, are being treated in the specialist burns unit of St John’s Hospital in Livingston.

Retired firefighte­r Arthur McAnna, 83, whose home was also damaged, is hopeful of getting back before the end of the year. He and wife Sylvia have been living with a family member. Arthur said: “We had a lucky escape.”

Local MSP Sue Webber said that the Baberton community had rallied to help with clothes and supplies as well as providing accommodat­ion. She added: “The most important thing is that homes, where possible, are made secure and habitable and this is done at pace.”

Edinburgh City Council leader Cammy Day said: “We’re continuing to work with the police and partners to provide full support to residents.”

An investigat­ion found the explosion was linked to a gas installati­on at the blast property.

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 ?? ?? SCENE Police guard homes at the centre of gas explosion in Edinburgh Alan Simpson
SCENE Police guard homes at the centre of gas explosion in Edinburgh Alan Simpson
 ?? ?? GRIEF Flowers left as a tribute to the blast victims. Above, Gary Taylor
GRIEF Flowers left as a tribute to the blast victims. Above, Gary Taylor
 ?? ?? DEVASTATIO­N Blast site in Edinburgh. Right, James Smith
DEVASTATIO­N Blast site in Edinburgh. Right, James Smith

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