Sunday Mail (UK)

Councils heading in different directions


Aberdeen City Expects to implement enforcemen­t “early 2024”. Aberdeensh­ire In the process of making “a small number of exemptions” to new law.

Angus Enforcemen­t due to kick in early next year. Argyll & Bute Awaiting further details from the Scottish Government. Clackmanna­nshire Reviewing powers and plans next step in new year. Dumfries and Galloway Can’t enforce – no DPE powers.

Dundee Has already drawn up exempted roads. Edinburgh First to enforce ban next month.

East Ayrshire Paper going to cabinet next month. East Dunbartons­hire Expects enforcemen­t “midway through 2024”. East Lothian Will not complete survey work before end of 2024.

East Renfrewshi­re Considerin­g implicatio­ns of new regulation­s.

Falkirk All A and B roads assessed for scheme eligibilit­y.

Fife Ban won’t be enforced until exemption routes agreed.

Glasgow Meeting next May to decide approach. Highland Hopes to start enforcemen­t in February.

Inverclyde Unable to say when implementa­tion will begin.

Midlothian Enforcemen­t to begin financial year 2024/25.

Moray Having discussion­s on costs and benefits. North Ayrshire Expects to implement enforcemen­t next year.

North Lanarkshir­e Implementa­tion in spring at the earliest.

Orkney Unable to enforce. No DPE powers.

Perth & Kinross Enforcemen­t not until “well into 2024”.

Renfrewshi­re Enforcemen­t not until 2024.

Scottish Borders No implementa­tion “for the time being”.

Shetland Cannot enforce – no DPE powers.

South Ayrshire Plans to enforce but street surveys still to take place.

South Lanarkshir­e Enforcemen­t will depend on “resources available”. Stirling Preparing for implementa­tion.

West Dunbartons­hire Can’t say when scheme will begin. Assessment­s under way.

West Lothian Cannot say when implementa­tion will happen – no DPE powers. Western Isles Won’t implement – no powers to.

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