Sunday Mail (UK)

We’ve got to protect the victims of violence. We’ve got to make it the law

Bill bid is backed up by Sunday Mail campaign

- Jennifer Hyland

A domest i c abuse campaigner has called for a £1000 fund which helps women to escape violent partners to be enshrined in law.

First Minister Humza Yousaf launched the f lagship pol icy in October, making £ 500,000 available.

But Tory MSP Pam Gosal, who wants Holy rood to create a register of domestic abusers, said it must become a long-term commitment.

The call comes as part of a Sunday Mail campaign to stop offenders who have been granted bail being allowed access to their partner’s home.

It was prompted by the death of Claire Inglis in 2021. She was murdered by her violent boyfriend after a sheriff allowed him back to her home following his release from prison.

Gosa l sa id: “We need mandatory measures put in place – it has to be in law.

“These funds are good but we need something when they dry up.

“We wil l not k now w h a t impact they [the funds] will have had until proper data is collected and reported.

“These funds need to stand the test of time. It has to be legislated to ensure they deliver – otherwise these funds will come and go.”

The “fund to leave” was announced by Yousaf, in his first keynote speech as party leader, at the SNP’s annual conference.

He said £500,000 would be made available from October to support women leaving abusive partners.

It is being trialled in five council areas – Glasgow,ow,

South Lanarkshir­e,e, Edinburgh, North Lanarkshir­e and Fife, – where there are the highest number of homeless women seeking help because of domestic violence.

The fund wi l l be overseen by Women’s’s Aid groups. The moneyy will help victims pay for essentials for themselves and their children.

Our campaign – aimed at stopping domestic abusers being granted bail to their partner’s home – was launched last week. We’ve received backing from Fiona and Ian Ingl is, whose daughter Claire, 28, was killed by thug Christophe­r McGowan. Despite having 39 previous conviction­conviction­s – including one for domdomesti­c aggravated assauassau­lt – McGowan was granted bail to the home Claire sharedsha with her son. Six weeks later, he killedkill her.

CCurrent legislatio­n does not allow sheriffs and judgesju to ensure offenders with a history of domestic abuse conviction­s are either remanded in custody or bailed to an address the court can guarantee places no woman at risk. Gosal is behind the Domestic

Abuse (Prevention) (Scotland) Bill and believes a register could help save the lives of vulnerable women.

The Bil l would see anyone convicted of violence against a partner having their name added by a court.

Gosal said: “The Sunday Mail campaign is incredibly relevant to the Bill and I’m absolutely behind it. There are four areas in my Bill but the main one is the register, which would target those who have been convicted.

“I’m hoping this mechanism will run along with the Sunday Mail’s campaign.

“Abusers shouldn’t be bailed and allowed back to the house.

“The majority of domestic abuse is carried out against women and we need to keep women safe.

“But how does the person who is dating that offender know that they and their children are safe? They need to be told – that is where the Domestic Abuse Offenders’ Register will come in.”

In 2021, there were more than 65,000 domestic abuse incidents in Scotland – the highest ever recorded – with about half of these incidents committed by individual­s with a prior history of domestic abuse.

A register would put the onus on perpetrato­rs to declare previous conviction­s for domestic abuse and allow the police to inform any offenders’ new partners.

Just ice Secretary Angela Constance said: “I am aware of Pam Gosal ’s proposals for a Domestic Abuse Prevention Bill and am happy to consider any innovative policy interventi­on that furthers our commitment to do more for victims.”

Sunday n campaig Mail ly incredib is to the relevant

I’m Bill and ly absolute behind it

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 ?? ?? BILL Tory MSP Pam Gosal. Murderer McGowan, below, and victim Claire, bottom
BILL Tory MSP Pam Gosal. Murderer McGowan, below, and victim Claire, bottom
 ?? ?? FUNDING Humza Yousaf
FUNDING Humza Yousaf

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