Sunday Mail (UK)

All we want is to save lives.. but we’re just being ignored

Tragic daughter’s dad blasts Government

- Hannah Rodger ■ Chief Reporter

A dad who lost his daughter 20 years ago to a fatal blood clot has accused the Government of ignoring him the way medics ignored her.

Katie McPherson was just 23 when she died after developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) – a type of blood clot which can be fatal if untreated.

Doctors at two hospitals and her GP failed to spot the signs of DVT and Katie died six days after she first went to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary complainin­g of lower leg pain.

Since her death in January 2003, Gordon McPherson, from Langbank in Renfrewshi­re, has campaigned tirelessly to raise awareness of the wider condition of thrombosis, which has been linked to the deaths of about 11,400 people a year in Scotland.

Desp ite attempts to meet e v e r y he a l t h secretary in the Scottish Government since Katie’s death, Gordon said he has only met one – Labour’s Andy Kerr in 2004.

His latest request to meet Michael Matheson has gone unanswered.

The businessma­n, 69, said: “I am disgusted by the continuing ‘ head in the sand’ approach of subsequent government­s to what is a very simple solution to the deaths attributed to thrombosis.

“It doesn’t need to cost a lot of money but the general public needs to know what the signs are to look out for and what to do about it.

“Although in our daughter’s case she knew the signs and symptoms, it was a catalogue of errors by the medical profession­als that subsequent­ly contribute­d to her death.

“I’m not asking for a lot or asking them to spend thousands of pounds on a massive campaign. I just want them to help in making people aware of this condition and stop people dying preventabl­e deaths like Katie.

“What I am asking of the

I just want them to help in making people aware of DVT

Scottish Government is to carry out a campaign to raise awareness of thrombosis symptoms, allowing the public to assess themselves and, i f need be, a llow early presentati­on to A&E to give people a greater chance of survival.” Last year Gordon was made World Thrombosis Ambassador and said the opportunit­y gives Scotland a place on the world stage to take action. But he said the Government doesn’t seem to want to make use of the position. He added: “I asked Michael Matheson to meet me to discuss how Scotland could make use of my position on the steering group which was tasked with raising awareness of thrombosis worldwide.

“There’s been no interest in this either and it is hugely disappoint­ing. All I’m interested in is raising awareness. It’s not going to make any difference to my family but it could save one person’s life.”

The most common signs of thrombosis are throbbing pain in one leg when walking or standing up, swelling in one leg, warm and dark or red skin around the painful site and swollen veins that are hard or sore when touched. The Scottish Government said: “Every death is a tragedy and our sympathies are with everyone who has been affected by DVT.

“We keep our plans for p u b l i c aw a r e n e s s campaigns under constant review and are committed to ensuring health boards have access to resources that can help save lives.

“A l l NHS boards in Scotland have access to a range of tools developed by Healthcare Improvemen­t Scot land to improve r e l iable del iver y of evidence- based interventi­ons to patients at risk of harm from DVT and to contribute to the overall aim of reducing mortality.”

 ?? ?? SPEAKING OUT Katie’s mum Jane, brother Stephen and dad Gordon Pic Mark Runnacles
SPEAKING OUT Katie’s mum Jane, brother Stephen and dad Gordon Pic Mark Runnacles
 ?? ?? n McPherso Katie
n McPherso Katie MISSED
 ?? ?? NO REPLY Michael Matheson
NO REPLY Michael Matheson
 ?? ?? MEETING Andy Kerr

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