Sunday Mirror (Northern Ireland)



- tom.parry@trinitymir­ From TOM PARRY Special Correspond­ent in Paris

PRINCE William and his wife Kate yesterday met survivors of the Bataclan attacks – as a gunman gave France another stark reminder of the terrorist threat.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge listened attentivel­y as victims recounted their ordeal during the couple’s high-profile visit to Paris.

At the same time, anti-terror police evacuated thousands from Orly airport on the edge of the French capital after a man grabbed a soldier’s automatic weapon and shouted: “I am here to die for Allah – there will be deaths.”

He was shot dead and the airport went into lockdown. But the Royals’ tour continued without interrupti­on.

William and Kate met survivors of the Paris attacks, in which 129 people died in November 2015, and victims of last year’s Nice lorry terrorist atrocity, which left 86 dead.

During the meeting at Les Invalides – a military hospital which houses Napoleon’s tomb – the Duke told the Bataclan survivors: “We think you are very strong and very brave, you’ve made amazing progress.”

Among them was Jessica Bambal Akan – shot seven times in the leg, hip and back during a birthday meal near the Bataclan concert hall.

Jessica, 25, was with three friends outside La Belle Equipe. They all survived but pal Victor Munoz, who was inside, was killed.


Jessica said: “At first I didn’t want to talk about it because of all of the pain and grief. Now I want to say we are not only victims, we have lives, we have boyfriends, girlfriend­s, work.

“I want to speak about my friend who died to honour him, I want people to remember who he was.”

William hailed the “quick-thinking” of her boyfriend, who made a tourniquet for her leg as she lay wounded.

“It’s been very difficult,” Jessica continued. “I got through this because of my friends, my boyfriend, my family who helped me all the time.”

She used her convalesce­nce to learn Italian and now hopes to run fashion shows – telling the Duchess she had noted her Chanel outfit.

The Duchess said she would be keeping an eye out for Jessica’s work.

Another survivor was a 28-year-old fireman, named as Kevin, who was shot in the leg by Islamic State gunmen at the Eagles of Death Metal gig.

Asked about his emotional recovery, he told the Royals: “It gave me a challenge, I like a challenge.”

The Duchess said: “You’re a very brave man.”

Kevin said of meeting Wills and Kate: “It was a very positive experience because I was able to speak about what I went through. It feels very important to tell these stories and be listened to.”

Both Jessica and Kevin still receive treatment at

Les Invalides. The

Royals also heard the extraordin­ary tales of some of the hospital’s oldest inhabitant­s – centenaria­ns who worked for the Allies in World War II. Kate was charmed by Colonel Jean Camus, 100, and Chief Petty Officer Georges Zwang, 101. Both reached for her hand to kiss it as they were introduced. Col Camus fought in France in 1939-40, was taken prisoner by the Germans, escaped, joined the resistance and escaped twice more after being captured. He managed to reach London in 1943 and helped our intelligen­ce operation.

As they were introduced, the Duke exclaimed: “An escape artist!”

Today, Les Invalides houses around 80 pensioners. The Duke and Duchess were shown an ornate book explaining how the centre inspired the foundation of the Royal Chelsea Hospital. Later the Royals visited the iconic Musee d’Orsay art gallery. It remained open to the public, prompting gasps from tourists who took pictures and videos of the couple on their phones.

The Royals also met rugby-playing youngsters – with Kate trying her hand at catching. She then wore a red Carolina Herrera coat – first seen on an official visit to Canada last year – as the couple saw France beat Wales 20-18 at the Stade de France.

It was William’s first visit as patron of the Welsh Rugby Union and he looked glum when France scrambled to victory with the game’s last move.

Kate and Wills still tweeted on the Kensington Palace account: “What an incredible two days in Paris! Thank you to everyone who made the visit so memorable. Au revoir for now!”

Wills’ return to duties brought praise from onlookers, just days after he was pictured dancing at a club on a lads’ ski trip. The Paris visit aimed to boost British-French relations ahead of Brexit. Kensington Palace was said to be relieved the trip passed peacefully following the Orly incident.

The shot man was named as Ziyed Ben Belgacem, a feared gangster behind a string of robberies in the 1990s.

Before reaching Orly he had fired birdshot at police during a traffic stop – wounding one officer.

At the airport he assaulted three soldiers, grabbing one and holding an air pistol to her head.

He tried to snatch her assault weapon in a bid to shoot others, said Paris prosecutor Francois Molins.

As the man and the soldier struggled on the floor the other two soldiers opened fire.

A witness said: “The soldiers took aim at the man, who in turn pointed the gun he seized at the two soldiers.”

Mr Molins said the attacker was flagged up as a radical in prison .

 ??  ?? HUMBLING With Bataclan survivor Jess ADMIRING Art lovers at Musee d’Orsay
ALARM Cops at airport after Ziyed Ben Belgacem, left, was shot
HUMBLING With Bataclan survivor Jess ADMIRING Art lovers at Musee d’Orsay ALARM Cops at airport after Ziyed Ben Belgacem, left, was shot

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