Sunday Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Syria crisis is a threat to all of us


In 2012, President Obama told the Syrian regime that chemical weapons were his “red line”.

This week, that red line finally snapped.

The images of children being killed by banned chemical weapons shook the world.

The conflict in Syria has been raging for six years. Enormous amounts of blood have been shed. Entire cities have been laid to waste. And millions of refugees have been forced to flee across the Middle East and on to Europe.

Despite the scale of the devastatio­n, it takes something like this week’s images to bring home the terrible toll of this gruesome war. The faces of those children crystallis­ed the message for the rest of the world: enough is enough.

Donald Trump’s decision to strike the base that the deadly sarin attacks were launched from achieved three aims.

It sent a clear message to Assad that this red line is serious. The West will no longer stand by.

It made Assad aware he is a viable target. For years he has been a wanted man. Now he is a hunted one.

And the Tomahawk missiles brought the eyes of the world with them. Syria is back in the news. It is the only story that matters.


Mr Trump’s decision brought support from some unexpected quarters.

People who had voted against interventi­on in Syria changed their stance.

There will be a reassessme­nt of when it is right to stand by and when we must be involved.

Mr Trump’s action has also thrown into focus the delicate balance of power in the Middle East and the deadly contest in Syria.

A grand diplomatic game is being played out before our eyes.

Syria is a key location for Russia. Moscow’s interests there are enormous.

Likewise for the Americans, who see it as a vital strategic link in their Middle East policy. The stakes are high. The highest.

An all-out conflict between Russia and America has serious – possibly even deadly – implicatio­ns for the rest of the world.

The Russians have been stretching their influence for a long time.

Syria is now the flashpoint.

This is not the Bay of Pigs or the Cuban Missile Crisis. But it could be.

Many think President Trump did the right thing this week. But all of us, in our heart of hearts, feel a US-Russia conflict should be avoided at all costs.

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