Sunday Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Please don’t tick chances



WARNING Who’d have thought something as healthy and enjoyable as a workout in the park could lead to a lifethreat­ening disease?

That’s exactly what happened to super-fit former England rugby player Matt Dawson.

He was bitten by a tick which infected him with Lyme disease – and he ended up needing multiple heart surgeries.

After 18 months of treatment, a time he describes as “really scary”, he no longer has the disease but he is still on medication.

Which is why he’s backing the Big Tick Project, to raise awareness about the dangers of tick-borne disease in the UK and how it affects people and pets.

Signs of Lyme disease include a rash, severe flu-like symptoms, facial palsy, migraines and numbness.

If you’ve been bitten by a tick, Matt urges you to see a doctor.

You can also find out whether you are living in a “tick hotspot” at bigtickpro­

Around one in every three dogs has a tick infestatio­n, according to the project’s research.

The site will also point you to participat­ing vets where you can get your dog checked out.

The peak season for ticks is April to October – but they’re active all year round, so be careful out there.

The most popular “extras” packed by holidaymak­ers, according to a recent poll, are teabags, fluffy towels and our favourite brand of coffee.

I always take a pot of chilli flakes, turmeric and garam masala. You might laugh – my husband does – but when you’re in a tiny village in France and in desperate need of a good curry, those ingredient­s are a lifesaver.

So what do you take on your hols? Do tell me.

 ??  ?? Jennifer Aniston says she gets endless flak for not having children, and that women who are not mothers are thought to be damaged goods.“Maybe my purpose on this planet isn’t to procreate,” the actress adds. “Maybe I have other things I’m supposed to do.”Good for her. There are as many reasons for not having kids as there are childless women.And we’d all do well to ease up on the judgment and let them live their lives.
Jennifer Aniston says she gets endless flak for not having children, and that women who are not mothers are thought to be damaged goods.“Maybe my purpose on this planet isn’t to procreate,” the actress adds. “Maybe I have other things I’m supposed to do.”Good for her. There are as many reasons for not having kids as there are childless women.And we’d all do well to ease up on the judgment and let them live their lives.
 ??  ??

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