Sunday Mirror (Northern Ireland)

The ‘right time’ is the‘right now’


I WAS still lucky enough to be on holiday last week – but it brought back some unwanted memories.

Because four years ago I was also on holiday at my relatives’ house in Charleston when the first symptoms of my prostate cancer began.

I refer to that break as my “end of innocence” holiday as I was oblivious to what getting up in the night for a wee might mean and just put it down to the weather.

My kids were 16, 14 and nine and I had saved up for that once-in-alifetime trip to the USA, including a week in

Florida. I knew as the kids were getting older the chance of us being able to spend time away as a family was coming to an end.

That made me think about not waiting any longer so I bit the bullet, despite the cost. Funnily enough my brother Ian felt the same and did a different holiday to the

USA with his family. But we met up in Florida for a few days – just the best memories for everyone.

So four years on, prostate cancer has made me realise that every day is a gift and that putting things off until “the right time” may mean they never happen at all. So I try to make the most of it for everyone, whenever I can.

I know I’m lucky that I managed to afford to be here again – even though my oldest two kids are not here as they are studying and working – so I’m so glad we had that holiday in 2014.

But I also try my best at home to make every day we’re together special. And mostly that costs nothing. Here’s hoping you can also do something special each and every day to create a great memory for you and others too.

Until next week, Kev

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