Sunday Mirror (Northern Ireland)

My son with Corrie Jack has a seizure a day.. I pray cannabis oil will lift the pain


- BY VIKKI WHITE You can support research into AHC at

THE mother of Corrie star Jack P. Shepherd’s lovechild cradles her son after a crippling seizure and prays new medication will ease his pain.

Little Greyson Milewski has incurable alternatin­g hemiplegia of childhood (AHC) – a one-in-amillion genetic disorder.

It paralyses parts of his body and leaves him in agony.

In recent months the attacks have worsened and now occur every day, crushing the sevenyear-old’s quality of life.

But there is a glimmer of hope for mum Sammy as Greyson is set to begin medical cannabis oil treatment after a change in UK law making the drug available through specialist doctors.

Sammy, 32, hopes the trial will transform his life. She says: “I have been fighting for two years for Greyson to be prescribed cannabis oil and doctors assure me they will give it the go-ahead by the end of November.


“We’ve tried absolutely everything and I hope this is the answer. I know of two parents of kids with AHC in the US who have described cannabis oil as life-changing for their kids and I just hope it works for my son.

“If you saw what Greyson goes through on a daily basis, it’s heartbreak­ing. I don’t want to have to keep him cooped up, it’s really sad for him. I just want him to lead the happy life he deserves.”

Sammy lovingly calls Greyson her “little dude”.

Actor Jack, 30, who plays TV’s David Platt, has two other children. He has never met Greyson but pays maintenanc­e after demanding a DNA test when he was born.

And Greyson doesn’t know the star is his dad.

Sammy, who has a partner, explains: “Greyson has asked about mummies and daddies, but not in depth. When I come to that bridge I’ll cross it.

“We try to avoid Coronation Street but Greyson likes Emmerdale – it comes on just before his bedtime.”

A source close to the family claimed Jack has never asked to meet Greyson, adding: “Sammy’s friends think it’s disgusting. They don’t understand how he could walk away from his son like that.

“But as far as she’s concerned, it’s Jack’s loss. Greyson is the most important person in the world to her, he’s her baby and she can’t understand how anyone wouldn’t want him in his life. She loves her son to bits.”

Sammy, a sales executive from Rotherham, South Yorks, says parenting solo can be tough.

She admits: “It can feel like hitting your head against a brick wall. Greyson is so unwell all the time. As a mum, it’s massively hard. Anything can trigger an attack, from a slight temperatur­e change to him getting too giddy. It sounds awful telling your child not to get too excited but we do have to tell

Greyson to calm down. You try to adapt but no matter what you do, the seizures still happen.

“They used to be every month, now they’re every day. I have help so I can go to work but apart from that, I rarely go out.”

Greyson is treated by specialist­s at Sheffield Children’s Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. Teachers at his special school comfort him when he has seizures by taking him to a dedicated room “to chill”, says Sammy.

The seizures take two forms. Either

It’s heartbreak­ing to see what he goes through. I’m just hoping cannabis oil works SAMMY MILEWSKI MUM REVEALS SON’S CONSTANT BATTLE

part of his body will go limp for up to three weeks, or his limbs tense up so much that he needs medication – buccal midazolam – to relax his muscles.

The aftermath is distressin­g for Sammy. She goes on: “The medicine makes him really hyperactiv­e and really groggy. It makes him ‘drunk’, it’s the only way I can describe it, like a naughty drunk, he’s wobbling and he’s not with it.

“It’s just not fair on him. Greyson has been taking another drug, clobozam, for over a month now, but it just isn’t working. I’m hoping cannabis oil will provide us with a breakthrou­gh.”

Greyson has been in and out of hospital from birth, with his first

attack happening when he was just four months old. By two he was diagnosed with AHC. Just 25 people in the UK are thought to have the condition, which could have come from his mother or father or a mutation in his own genes.

Sammy continues: “I don’t get angry about it because it would eat away at me. If they could find medicine to stop his attacks completely it would be amazing.

“When Greyson’s well, he’s such a loving little boy. His personalit­y is amazing, he’s super funny.

“I want him to be able to do things other kids can do. He can’t play in his room independen­tly. He can’t go to parties on his own because he’d get poorly and someone would have to give medication, which they’re not trained to do.

“As he’s got older, he’s learned to deal with his condition more. We’ve made him feel like it’s normal. He is able to tell me to ‘Get medi’.

“He comes out of his attacks smiling. I’m always going to be proud of him, he’s my little dude.”

The mum has always been keen to raise the profile of AHC and hopes funding would help experts identify the gene that causes the condition – and potentiall­y find a cure. Sammy adds: “There are parents across the world, we’re in a community, fundraisin­g and hoping for a breakthrou­gh. It’s so hard, it’s so rare because nobody knows about it so nobody wants to fundraise for it.”

That’s where actor Jack could help, our source claimed. The insider said: “Sammy feels Greyson’s dad could have been a massive help. Jack’s got a lot of social media followers and she knows he does charity work.

“As someone with a high profile, he really could have helped raise awareness and money for his own son’s condition.”

In July Home Secretary Sajid Javid said specialist doctors will be able to legally prescribe cannabisde­rived medicinal products.

Trials have found cannabidio­l, the drug derived from cannabis with the psychoacti­ve ingredient­s removed, reduced seizures in children with complex epilepsy.

In June, there was outrage when epilepsy sufferer Billy Caldwell, 12, had his cannabis-based medicine confiscate­d at Heathrow Airport.

The lad, from Co Tyrone, Ulster, was later granted an emergency licence by Mr Javid for cannabis oil to be administer­ed to him at home.

A spokesman for Jack said the actor did not want to comment.

TV’s Jack does charity work... he could have helped raise money for his son’s condition FAMILY SOURCE ON CAMPAIGN TO RAISE AWARENESS OF AHC

 ??  ?? HE’S A COMIC Greyson is ‘super funny’, says mum. Right: CBD oil
HE’S A COMIC Greyson is ‘super funny’, says mum. Right: CBD oil
 ??  ?? HATTABOY Greyson’s life has been a struggle since he was just a baby
HATTABOY Greyson’s life has been a struggle since he was just a baby
 ??  ?? DAILY BATTLE Greyson is full of love but seizures make his life so tough says his mum Sammy
DAILY BATTLE Greyson is full of love but seizures make his life so tough says his mum Sammy
 ??  ?? STAR DAD Corrie favourite Jack
STAR DAD Corrie favourite Jack

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