Sunday Mirror (Northern Ireland)


Followers desert Rebekah

- EXCLUSIVE BY DAVID JARVIS scoops@sundaymirr­

It can take just a few seconds to destroy a reputation DAVID MCGEE WEB MARKETING EXPERT

FOOTIE wife Rebekah Vardy has suffered an own goal after her WAG war with Coleen Rooney – a dramatic fall in Instagram followers.

Rebekah, wed to Leicester City striker Jamie, has lost nearly 800 followers a month since her spat with Wayne Rooney’s wife went public.

And marketing experts say, because social media is such big business, the stand-off could hit her in the pocket.

A study found Rebekah, 39, now has 427,350 followers – 11,122 fewer than she had at her peak in April last year.

That’s the equivalent of losing an average of 794 fans a month.

Meanwhile Coleen, 35, has 889, 313 followers – up 8, 317 over the same period. That adds up to an average gain of 594 new fans a month.

Last month alone, Coleen gained 510 followers, while Rebekah lost 960, according to the study for

But web gurus warn it might not just be fans she loses.

David McGee, a lecturer in marketing and reputation at Birmingham City University, said: “It can take years to build a following and reputation – but seconds to destroy it.

“Once a downward pattern has begun it can be almost impossible to reverse, with subsequent financial loss over the long term.”

The footie wives are locked in a High Court battle dubbed Wagatha Christie.

It kicked off after Coleen said she planted fake stories online which she claims exposed Rebekah as a leak.

Rebekah strenuousl­y denies the claims and is suing Coleen for libel. She has already spent

half a million defending the action. Costs could hit £1m if it goes to trial. Coleen has spent £180,000 so far and has budgeted for an extra £400,000.

The WAGS held Zoom mediation sessions during lockdown but failed to patch things up.

A trial has been pencilled in for September.

 ??  ?? ON A DOWNER Rebekah’s fan numbers are dropping off
ON THE UP Coleen’s fans are increasing
ON A DOWNER Rebekah’s fan numbers are dropping off ON THE UP Coleen’s fans are increasing

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