Sunday Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Every day is to be used or abused...

- Running with terminal cancer By Kevin Webber Until next week Kev

After last week’s epic race in Wales (which I amazingly managed to finish), this week has been one of taking stock while planning for what is to come. Of course there is another race this weekend, called the “Hangman Ultra” but it’s “only” 53km. However, what comes with being full-on at so many levels is never having the time to fully clear the decks before the next onslaught.

In our house, one room, much to my wife’s angst, seems continuall­y full of the detritus of the previous race jumbled with the kit I need for the next – with none of it ever managing to make the journey to the loft where it should live.

Like you, I’m sure, there are always too many plates spinning and my pride in not letting any actually smash means that I never really get the chance to switch off.

Other than the race above, my life is currently revolving around my book launch, multiple presentati­ons about living in the now to anyone and everyone who is interested, blood tests with the necessary follow-ups, and an upcoming charity event for Prostate Cancer UK marching four marathons around the UK with the legendary Jeff Stelling from Sky Sports.

On top of that I have more race planning for the next big event in the Sahara which involves careful kit prep as everything is carried on your back. Plus there are the necessary health checks like ECGs, the doctor’s sign-off, and, of course, understand­ing and preparing for Covid rules.

That’s the glamorous stuff but then, of course, there is normal life, things around the house, work and being a good family member, all of which is just as, if not more important, but can get put aside, becoming more important as it piles up.

You know what though? I would not have it any other way as a day will come for me, sadly sooner rather than later, when some or all of those things become impossible, so planning for and seizing the day is the only way I want to live.

I hope that you too can cram as much into your life as possible. Every day is there to be used and abused I believe!

There are always too many plates spinning and I won’t let them smash

 ??  ?? OVERJOYED Finishing Ultra X in Wales
OVERJOYED Finishing Ultra X in Wales

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