Sunday Mirror (Northern Ireland)

The air that we breathe

As Corrie explores the issue of pollution and asthma, Alex Lloyd looks at how toxins can impact our health


Gasping for breath, Coronation Street’s Liam Connor collapses with a life-threatenin­g asthma attack triggered by air pollution. This dramatic scene, set to be broadcast this week, will see the schoolboy hospitalis­ed as his helpless mum Maria Windass looks on.

While the soap might be fiction, these terrifying incidents are a reality for someone in the UK every 10 seconds – and, tragically, three people die of an asthma attack each day.

Triggers for breathing difficulti­es vary between sufferers, but around two-thirds of the 5.4 million Brits with the respirator­y condition say poor air quality worsens their symptoms.

With toxic air contributi­ng to as many as 36,000 early deaths in the UK each year, Asthma UK has called it a major public health risk and the biggest environmen­tal threat to human health.

What’s especially worrying is children and young people like Charlie Wrenshall’s character Liam are particular­ly vulnerable to this invisible menace.

“Their lungs are still developing and they also breathe faster than adults, so are taking in more of the pollution,” says Dr Andy Whittamore of Asthma UK.

“Their height means they are nearer to where it is coming from too, which is mainly vehicle exhaust pipes.”

What is air pollution?

An air pollutant is anything in the air that could harm health.

Some are especially dangerous, like particulat­e matter, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and sulphur dioxide, which are by-products of industry, power stations, building work, diesel and petrol cars, and even farming.

Levels vary across the UK, with air quality generally poorer in towns and cities. The amount can also change depending on the weather and season, with still and sunny or still and foggy conditions more likely to cause a high pollution episode.

When traffic reduced to 1955 levels during the first national lockdown last year, air pollution plunged in cities – and the benefits were clear. One in four asthmatics reported health improvemen­ts in a June 2020 study by the British Lung Foundation, while Public

Health England said emergency hospital admissions with asthma-related issues halved during that period.

Why is it a health hazard?

There is no safe amount of pollutants for anyone to breathe in. Inhaling them introduces chemicals into your body that increase your risk of cancer, stroke and dementia. But, first and foremost, they damage your lungs, especially if these vital organs are vulnerable already.

“People with asthma have irritable lungs and inflammati­on in their airways can be triggered by things like viruses, allergens and pollution, especially in combinatio­n,” says Dr Whittamore. “This means high pollution levels can trigger symptoms like coughing,

wheezing and tightness in the chest, which can lead to hospitalis­ations and sadly, some people lose their lives.”

There is also growing evidence that long-term exposure can cause asthma in the first place, with its impact starting before birth if a mother breathes dirty air while pregnant.

“The pollutants are toxic and can affect not only how the lungs are developing but how your genes work,” says Dr Whittamore.

“This means it is not just you and your children who can be affected by the impact of pollution today, but future generation­s as well.”

How can I protect myself?

Avoiding air pollution is much harder than some other asthma triggers and it may not be practical or affordable to live away from a busy road or city.Millions of children are also exposed to killer smog daily because 27 per cent of our schools and colleges are in areas with pollutant levels exceeding World Health Organisati­on recommenda­tions.

But there are steps you can take to reduce exposure:

Monitor air quality online to find out where your local pollution hotspots are and take alternativ­e routes.

Favour back streets and pedestrian­ised routes to main roads with busy junctions, especially for children.

Keep your home well aired and cut down on household chemicals.

Avoid strenuous outdoor exercise on high pollution days and workout inside instead.

Avoid travelling in the rush hour and steer clear of places like bus depots.

Walk on the inside of the pavement, further away from traffic.

Walk rather than drive where possible, because pollution is worse inside a car than outside on busy streets.

Dr Whittamore says: “If you have asthma, taking your preventer inhaler regularly to dampen down the inflammati­on means you are less likely to react to the pollutants and get symptoms or asthma attacks.

“You can also stay well by going to your asthma reviews, having an asthma action plan and carrying your reliever with you at all times, as you never know when the pollution is going to be bad. It’s life-saving medication.”

Can we improve air quality?

After Liam’s diagnosis in Corrie,

Maria joins forces with Sally Metcalfe to campaign for cleaner air. In order to do this, we all need to make lifestyle changes and transport is the best place to start, as the majority of pollutants come from vehicle emissions.

Switch to an electric or lower emission car if possible, and try to walk, cycle or use public transport for short journeys. Never idle your engine and review your home energy use to reduce your overall contributi­on to the problem.

Speak to your council environmen­tal health team if you have concerns about your air quality and lobby local politician­s for improvemen­ts like clean air zones.

In September, you can sign up to the Asthma UK #CleanAirHe­roes campaign, to help raise awareness of the dangers and support their petition calling for new laws to reduce harmful levels of air pollution.

“This isn’t just about asthma because poor air quality is harmful to everybody,” says Dr Whittamore.

Find the latest air pollution informatio­n at or call 0800 556677. If you’re worried about the effects of air pollution on you or your child, or you are concerned your child may have asthma, contact Asthma UK’s helpline on 0300 222 5800, WhatsApp on 07378 606728 or visit

You can also visit the British Lung Foundation’s Clean Air Hub at uk/take-action/clean-air

Pollutants can affect genes, so they can harm future generation­s

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Coronation Street DRAMA Liam Connor in hospital on
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