Sunday Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Voters take a dim view of PM’s bed-hopping antics


SERIAL adulterer Boris Johnson today gets the thumbs down from seven in 10 voters for being a love cheat.

Yet they still think he makes a better PM by 44% to 32% than family man Keir Starmer.

A Survation poll for the Sunday Mirror shows 83% of voters set great store by the personal morality of their PM, with only 16% thinking it doesn’t matter if they are unfaithful.

On that score the Labour leader, 59, wins hands down having been happily married to NHS occupation­al health worker Victoria for 14 years.

By contrast Mr Johnson cheated on first wife Allegra Mostyn-Owen, 57, with Marina Wheeler, also 57, who became wife No2, before moving on to wife three Carrie Symonds, 31. There were affairs in between.

Nearly six in 10 over-65s think personal morality is very important in a political leader, only a third of 18-to-34s agree.

And Labour voters are more likely to say than Tory ones that being faithful is very important.

Nearly eight in 10 voters also want a PM “smartly dressed” – indicating disapprova­l of Mr Johnson’s scruffy appearance.

But our poll shows that 46% would welcome a night out with the flamboyant Mr Johnson, while only one in three would prefer to spend the time with his more sober rival.

More than half of those questioned think Mr Johnson is “passionate” while only 35% say the same about the Labour leader. One in three describe the PM as inspiratio­nal.

But there is a sharp divide with nearly six in 10 men describing Mr Johnson as passionate while fewer than half of women say the same thing.

But when it comes to trust the Labour leader beats Mr Johnson by 14 points, and two-thirds think the PM will raise income tax and VAT.

Fewer than half say the same about the Labour leader.

The PM is distrusted by four per cent more voters when it comes to supporting the NHS, and more than seven in 10 reckon Labour is the party most likely to pump money into it. It is also most trusted on education.

Nearly half say that the PM will only give the health service enough funding to keep it afloat.

But our poll shows that the Labour leader will need to do more to cut through with the public. Our poll puts the Tories four points ahead of Labour, and Mr Johnson’s favourabil­ity rating seven points above his rival.

A quarter rate the Labour leader as incompeten­t, while more than four in 10 think the PM is.

Survation interviewe­d 1,040 adults online

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