Sunday Mirror (Northern Ireland)

...And Just Like That I’ve finally found the winning formula for the perfect SATC replacemen­t...

- @niamhmcene­aney

Since my daughter started school, I have never looked forward to the weekends more! With the early rises, the mad dash to make it to the school gates on time, getting home to do work, walk the dog, more work, put a wash on, more work, eat, more work and then the mad dash to make it to the school gates on time, home, more work.

Then the mad dash to get dinner ready early, so she can go to bed early and get up early – on repeat for five days a week.

So when Friday afternoon comes, you finally breathe a sigh of relief. School’s over, work’s done, the dog’s walked and the clothes washed – in our house, Friday night is party night.

When I say party, I mean a glass of wine, YouTube and staying up past 8pm. Although, in

fairness, some night’s certain members of the household don’t – namely my daughter and hubby. But I do.

When they are all tucked up and conked out, I come back downstairs and my Friday night really begins. I pour myself another glass of wine, snuggle on the couch with the dog and log into Netflix as that is where I find my Friday night crew.

Before Covid, I would have been out with friends or home with family, but since then I have found new company – in the form of my favourite shows and my favourite characters. Of course, like literally every woman in the world, I was ecstatic at the announceme­nt that there was going to be a Sex And The City reboot.

But as we have since learned, it has been pretty much a disaster from the outset and I made the decision not to watch it. A decision which I am delighted about given the snippets of storylines I have been unable to avoid hearing/reading about no matter how hard I tried.

I want to keep the characters of Carrie,

Miranda, Charlotte AND Samantha AND BIG as they were – perfectly imperfect.

But ever since it ended with its PERFECT ending which should never have been changed, I have struggled to find a show to replace it.

I have come to realise this is because I was looking for one show – when in actual fact it takes two.

And I think I have found the perfect formula for a SATC replacemen­t. By combining The Bold Type and Emily In Paris (both found on Netflix) I get my fix, and here’s why..

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