Sunday Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Quizword & Crossword


Two sets of clues, two different answers – all on the same grid. Choose one or the other.

Quizword ACROSS

6 1986 Commonweal­th women’s 100m gold medallist (7,5)

8 Herring-like large-eyed freshwater fish of eastern North America (4-3)

9 Standard monetary unit of Denmark (5)

10 1987 film drama starring Barbra Streisand and Richard Dreyfuss (4)

12 One of the three Fates in Greek mythology: the spinner of the thread of life (6)

14 Vaclav —, president of the Czech Republic from 1993-2003 (5)

15 Administra­tive centre of Devon (6)

16 Insect related to the butterfly (4)

19 Men’s artistic gymnastics event won by Liu Yang at the 2020 Olympics (5)

21 Capital of Vaucluse, France; seat of the papacy from 1309-77 (7)

22 Liverpool-born news presenter who hosted Question Time from 1989-93 (5,7)


1 and 6 Down 1992 film drama starring Patrick Bergen, Anne Parillaud and Jason Scott Lee (3,2,3,5,5)

2 Mammal to which the adjective ‘ovine’ refers (5)

3 1980 stage play by Steven Berkoff (5)

4 Elizabeth —, author of novels Cranford and Mary Barton (7)

5 Paula —, Lisbon-born artist whose works include 1988’s The Dance (4)

6 See 1 Down

7 Greek poet and philosophe­r regarded as a founder of the Eleatic School (10)

11 In golf, an estimated standard score for a hole that a good player should make (3)

12 Edible woodland fungus also called porcino (3)

13 Billy Bob —, Best Actor in a Leading Role Oscar nominee for Sling Blade (8)

14 Barbara —, Best Actress in a Supporting Role Oscar nominee for The Portrait of a Lady (7)

17 Port on the Gulf of Bothnia; provisiona­l capital of Finland in 1918 (5)

18 Dianne —, Best Actress in a Supporting Role Oscar winner for Bullets Over Broadway (5)

20 Large Old World tree of the mahogany family whose bark is used to make a tonic (4)

Crossword ACROSS

6 Bar item (6-6)

8 Extensive slaughter (7)

9 Male voice (5)

10 Broad smile (4)

12 Yellow fruit (6)

14 Trite (5)

15 Violent confusion (6)

16 Married German

woman (4)

19 Address the public (5)

21 Stretchy (7)

22 Thing that acts as a deterrent (12)


1 Perpetuity (8)

2 Baa (5)

3 Electricit­y supply (5)

4 Disengaged position of gears (7)

5 Lacking fat (4)

6 Board game (10)

7 Grandparen­t’s brother (5-5)

11 Water barrier (3)

12 Wicked (3)

13 Runway (8)

14 Advantage (7)

17 Freedom from war (5)

18 Cautions (5)

20 Very dry (4)

 ?? ??

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