Sunday Mirror

£500k raised in memory so far


ever wanted was for everyone to be happy,” said Kim. “We were brought up to see the positive in everything and everyone, and have endeavoure­d to do so all our lives.

“Our parents instilled in us a real glass half-full mentality, and while I sometimes tend to add a large measure of Yorkshire cynicism to this, Jo generally did not. She only saw the good.

“We know there are some evil people in this world, but there are an awful lot of good people too. When Jo would get abuse on Facebook or Twitter, we would talk and sometimes cry together.

“But she would still focus on the positive, and focus on the silent majority who didn’t always shout the loudest, but who she knew were in her corner.

“I am somewhat embarrasse­d to say that I was at times part of that silent majority.

“I don’t do social media, and would shout at the TV or get upset at home instead. But over the past 48 hours, people have not been silent.

“They have been vocal and passionate, and spoken from the heart with genuine emotion and no hidden agendas. Jo would have loved it.

“We have to continue with strength and solidarity in the days, months and years to come, as part of Jo’s legacy, and to focus on, as Jo would say, that which unites us – and not which divides us.”

Finally, to the visibly moved gath- ering, she said that through Jo’s grieving husband Brendan “through us, and through her truly wonderful children – who will always know what an utterly amazing woman their mother was – she was a human being, and she was perfect.” It was only after she’d finished, that brave Kim finally let her tears flow.

Brendan, at home looking after their two young children, tweeted: “Very proud of my sister-in-law Kim who spoke on behalf of us all and did her sister proud.”

Meanwhile, in London MPs across all parties plan to break with tradition and mingle together tomorrow rather than sit on opposing benches as Parliament reconvenes to pay tribute to Jo.

HERO pensioner Bernard Kelly’s condition was improving last night as he was moved out of the high dependency unit at Leeds General Hospital. A CHARITY fund-raising page set up in Jo’s memory by her family had raised nearly £500,000 last night.

Around £300,000 had already been raised for three charities close to the MP’s heart yesterday afternoon.

And the total surged by nearly another £200,000 after sister Kim’s tribute to Jo, who worked for Oxfam charity for nine years.

The three charities are the Royal Voluntary Service, helping to combat loneliness in her constituen­cy, Hope not Hate which battles hate and extremism and The White Helmets, a volunteer search and rescue organisati­on in Syria.

To donate visit jocox.

 ??  ?? WE WILL MEND OVER TIME Kim kisses mum Jean after her speech LOVING Jo and Kim with dad Gordon last year HEAD GIRL Jo with grammar school pals SO DEDICATED Caring Jo helping out with charity work on a visit to Gaza
WE WILL MEND OVER TIME Kim kisses mum Jean after her speech LOVING Jo and Kim with dad Gordon last year HEAD GIRL Jo with grammar school pals SO DEDICATED Caring Jo helping out with charity work on a visit to Gaza

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