Sunday Mirror

Wills’secret coffee shop cuppa with dads’group



PRINCE William has hosted a coffee morning for fathers and sons affected by mental health problems.

The Duke of Cambridge met a dozen men in a secret get-together at a Caffè Nero near Kensington Palace to support a well-being initiative.

It was part of a new campaign for charity Heads Together, which aims to encourage fathers and sons to talk more openly about mental health.

Paul Scates, who was there with his dad, said: “It was a lovely opportunit­y and Prince William is incredibly passionate about tackling these issues. He understand­s mental health problems have gone under the radar because people are uncomforta­ble talking about it, so he’s keen to use his position to try to improve that. He listened carefully to people’s stories and showed real empathy.

“I explained how my dad and I didn’t open up to each other – and that things really improved once we were brave enough to talk more openly. He seemed to really care.”

A Kensington Palace spokespers­on said: “It was a lovely morning and the Duke really enjoyed meeting everyone.”

William, wife Kate and Prince Harry were announced as figurehead­s for the initiative in March. It came as the Sunday Mirror continues its Time To Change campaign, raising awareness of mental health.

William set out his goals last month, saying: “My thing is to get men talking about issues. It can destroy families, it can destroy lives.”

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William and local Caffè Nero
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