Sunday Mirror

BOXING LEGEND BRUNO OPENS HIS My caravan is better than the Caribbean

SUNDAY MIRROR Frank’s slice of paradise off Kent coast


BEAMING Frank Bruno throws his mighty arms out wide, sprawls on the sofa and tells how his holiday park caravan is helping him floor his demons.

The mobile home has become a powerful if unlikely weapon in boxing star Bruno’s battle to beat bipolar. It’s a fight he has vowed to win. And perched right on the coast it is clear the sea air really is helping the 54-year-old father of four.

In a remarkable interview the former World Heavyweigh­t Champion says: “When it came out I was buying a caravan, people were laughing at me and saying I must be broke.

“But I don’t care. The truth is I feel very happy, the best I’ve felt for a long time. I’m getting stronger, in body and mind.

“It’s a nice little spot. On a good day it’s better than being in the Caribbean.” Candid Frank also reveals how: His bipolar is a constant battle, admitting: “Some days I feel like Superman... others I feel the aches and pains.”

Boxing legend Muhammad Ali’s death has made him take stock of his own life.

He has ruled out recent reports saying he will return to the ring.

He is launching his own foundation to help children and those suffering mental ill-health.

You only have to spend five minutes with Frank to know he is back to his best.

The light is back in the eyes. The smile has returned.


And that booming laugh – the soundtrack to life here – shakes the caravan, on a holiday park on the Isle of Sheppey, Kent.

Frank fell in love with the place after appearing at a charity event here.

He forked out £54,000 for the two-bedroomed mobile home, with a wooden- decked terrace where he overlooks the sea.

It’s all mod cons – double glazing, central heating, luxury kitchen, en-suite shower. The park boasts a bar and gym – handy for fitness fanatic Frank.

Water sports are literally on the doorstep, with windsurfin­g a favourite pursuit of visitors to Sheppey.

Linked to the mainland by a wide-span bridge, the isle is 50 miles from central London, is home to 37,000 people and has three prisons.

Frank loves going there as he continues his fight to get the upper hand with bipolar. He was diagnosed in 2003 after being sectioned.

Four years ago he was sectioned again – twice in six months – and told the POPULATION: TOP HOTEL: WEATHER:

Sunday Mirror of his ordeal. Bravely speaking out about his illness, Frank helped us launch our Time To Change campaign raising awareness and changing attitudes towards mental health. Working alongside the Government he has helped spearhead change.

And after a number of low points, which have seen him relapse and seek hospital treatment, Frank says he finally feels like he’s winning the fight.

The star, who still lives in a beautiful home in the South East, says: “Stress causes a multitude of problems so I want to delete a lot of that stress. That’s why I bought this spot.

“You can see the sea all the way around. I watch the boats go by as I chill and recharge my battery. When I come out here I listen to some music, do some training, go for walks, read, watch TV.

“I feel very happy, the best I’ve felt for a long time. I’m getting stronger.

“I did buy an apartment in Marbella a few years back but I’d rather come here. It’s nearer home, I know the people and it’s easy. The view is as good as it is out there. Here I get peace and tranquilit­y.” Frank explains how his love for the English seaside grew when, aged 12, he was sent to a home for disruptive kids. He recalls: “The nearest seaside was Hastings. I was down there for five years.

“I have great memories. We used to go rock climbing and swimming. We went to the seaside but they caught some kids nicking so they banned us!”


In the past fortnight Frank says he has spent time contemplat­ing the death of his idol Muhammad Ali – and how it made him value his own life even more.

Frank says: “I’m trying to invest in my happiness more. I’m not here for long. Ali’s death reminded me of that.

“He was one of my inspiratio­ns. He’s no longer in pain. He was a great man. He would rather have people smiling while they remember his amazing life.”

Frank also credits his new- found wellbeing to Carmen Bartley, the personal assistant who started working for him in October.

She helped get his life in order, though he says it took a while getting used to having a woman around again.

Single Frank, who got divorced from wife Laura in 2001, said: “Carmen helps me with the driving up and down the country for personal appearance­s, my schedule, shopping and other things.

“She has taken around 80 per cent of the pressure off. She works alongside my agent David. They are a good team.

“When I was married my wife helped me to do the bits and pieces, but when

 ??  ?? Two-bed static caravan cost £54,000 and has luxury fittings
Two-bed static caravan cost £54,000 and has luxury fittings
 ??  ?? BARBADOS 284,644. peak season. 80,000,
BARBADOS 284,644. peak season. 80,000,
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 ??  ?? INSPIRATIO­N Frank hails Ali as ‘a great man’
INSPIRATIO­N Frank hails Ali as ‘a great man’

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