Sunday Mirror



I was on my own I had nobody to help me out with the day to day work. That’s why having Carmen here is great. It helps focus my mind on myself and my work.

“If Carmen doesn’t agree with me she puts up a challenge. It’s a good thing as sometimes the bipolar might kick in and and she’s there to sort me out.

“I really appreciate the support those around give me.”

Despite enjoying the slower pace of life at his bolthole, Frank is still a regular on the after-dinner speaking circuit and attends countless charity events.

“I enjoy working, it’s good for me. It’s my way of meeting people, I don’t go out socially to discos and pubs,” he says.

“I lived a fast life, I’ve done quite a lot. But I’ve still got more I want to do. You’ve got to keep ducking and diving. Some days I feel like Superman and others I feel the aches and pains. I’ve no regrets, I’ve had a great career. I’m grateful for what I’ve got. I’m keeping focused, keeping grounded. I wasn’t brought up to take things for granted, that’s why I’m hungry and work hard.”

But getting back into the ring is definitely not on the cards, despite reports suggesting otherwise and even though he “still feels like a youngster” – and looks as fit as a fiddle. He says: “What I said was taken out of context. I was trying to say that I’m not brown bread (dead). If someone says something about me I’m prepared to fight back. But I have no plans to start fighting again.”

He’s also setting up his own charity – The Frank Bruno Foundation, using boxing to help youngsters and adults with mental illness. Frank says: “I want to use my experience­s to help others. Years ago mental health was an embarrassm­ent.

“People used to brush it under the carpet through fear of what the neighbours might say.

“But now they realise that my grandma had it, my uncle’s had it, my aunt’s had it. Now it’s easier to understand – time’s a powerful healer. You couldn’t say 20 years ago that you had bipolar.

“I’ve got to take medication and it’s been very up and down. Finally I feel I’ve found the right stuff and I feel really good. “It’s got me nice and calm.” Frank is rightly pleased to be back in control of his life. And his seaside haven is a thumping part of that success.

 ??  ?? Frank relaxing in his luxury mobile home Frank says his aide Carmen ‘is good for me’ Bruno loves to soak up the sea views
Frank relaxing in his luxury mobile home Frank says his aide Carmen ‘is good for me’ Bruno loves to soak up the sea views

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