Sunday Mirror

With Davina


YOU have booked your flight, found a hotel and are looking forward to hitting the beach – but many of you might be dreading the moment you have to bare your tum in a bikini. The big summer getaway may be near but don’t panic – Britain’s favourite fitness queen Davina McCall has come to the rescue.

She can help you lose up to a stone in just five weeks with an exclusive new diet plan specially designed to make you feel superconfi­dent on holiday.

Davina says: “Looking good in a bikini isn’t about looking skinny, it’s about feeling hot.

“If you are eating healthily it gives you more energy, which then gives you that confidence.”

After having her children, mum-of-three Davina hated her “jelly belly” but has since gone on to become one of the biggest names in fitness.

Now she has teamed up with her specialist­s to provide a simple plan to shed weight, tighten your tum and still eat some of your favourite foods.

Davina explains: “We have used the latest

45g oats 150ml whole, soy or oat milk 90g blueberrie­s 1/2 tsp honey 100ml water 2 handfuls of ice cubes Put everything in a blender and blitz until smooth! 16 metabolic science to come up with a new system, Calorie Plus Credits, which takes into account the nutritiona­l value of food.”

First use an online calculator to work out your Body Mass Index (BMI).

Then pick one breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and snack per day from our selection. If your BMI is under 25, you should have between 58 and 98 CPCs a day. If it is 25 or over you can have between 49 and 82 CPCs.

Each meal should take around seven minutes to prepare and, unless stated, the recipes serve one. 14 Medium sweet potato 1 tbsp finely chopped parsley 6 sundried tomatoes, chopped 44g feta Salt and ground black pepper Large green salad 2 teaspoons olive oil 2 teaspoons lemon juice Prick the potato with a fork and bake for 45min at 200°C/400°F. Halve, season, spinkle with parsley, then crumble over the feta and tomatoes. Serve with salad, dressed with olive oil and lemon juice. 12

1 tbsp sesame oil 1cm piece ginger, chopped 1 chopped red chilli 18 8 broccoli florets Handful of prepped green beans 3 medium carrots, chopped 300g edamame beans 1 courgette, chopped 2 handfuls of mushrooms, sliced 1 tbsp soy sauce 80g cooked brown rice noodles Heat a frying pan and add half the sesame oil. When the oil is smoking, add the ginger and chilli and stir fry for a few seconds. Add the broccoli, green beans, carrots and soya beans and continue to stir fry together for a minute. Add the courgette and mushrooms and stir fry until all the vegetables have softened. Add the remaining sesame oil and soy sauce and continue to stir for another minute. Serve on top of the noodles.

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