Sunday Mirror

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Want a more personalis­ed plan? Davina’s weight-loss subscripti­on-based website GetFitwith­ tailors a fitness and diet plan to suit you, your body, your level of fitness and your health goals. It normally costs £9.99 a month, but Mirror readers are being offered FIVE WEEKS for FREE

HOW TO CLAIM Davina has worked with her abs specialist trainer Ed Lumsden to come up with a series of SEVENMINUT­E long exercise routines to help really boost your metabolism and burn some extra inches on the tum. The first is below with more in tomorrow’s Daily Mirror. Work up to doing three routines five times a week for the whole fiveweek programme. Make sure you warm up first.

Stand with feet shoulder- width apart, stick your bum out and squat down, then back to standing. Weight through your heels, not toes. Keep the chest up throughout.

Standing with feet shoulder width apart, punch six times out in front of you, twisting from the waist with every punch. Then down into a squat and jump as high as you can out of it.

jog on the spot for five seconds, then sprint on the spot for three seconds as fast as you can. Keep repeating and REALLY go for it on the sprints. The faster you go, the more you burn. 10-second jog, 3-second fast run on the spot then touch the floor and back to the jog. Allow your heart rate to come down a little before the last three exercises.

Hands on the floor, jump both legs out into a press- up position. Instead of doing a press-up, jump both legs back into your feet and come back to standing. Add a three-second sprint on the spot in between each rep. A super-tough one to get your heart rate pumping!

Start with a squat, then bicep curl. From the top of the curl, push the weights over your head with your arms straight. From there, bend your elbows to lower the weights behind your head. Use your trips to push the weights back up again over your head. Bring the weights back down and start with another squat.

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