Sunday Mirror

Drop the knife and raise the sentences


Our courts are far too soft and it is utterly wrong that those who carry and use knives are handed down such short sentences. Some are even allowed to walk free from court, and it is their victims who are left serving a life sentence. Now is the time for the Government to get tougher on knife crime. Well done Sunday Mirror for your Drop the Knife campaign, which I wholeheart­edly support. John Stevens, South London Knife crime needs to be taken more seriously. So many young people are harmed or killed these days because of dangerous weapons. Anyone found to be carrying a knife should be punished regardless of whether they have acted on it or not. They are committing a crime just by carrying one – to me that is intent. Sharon Seymour, Islington, North London I was absolutely disgusted to read about the rise in knife crime among today’s youth. It’s a very scary world we live in. And to think that my child is going to grow up in such a violent society sends shivers down my spine. I hope to God that the laws do get tougher and knife crime will go down otherwise things will only get worse. Conner Matthews, Manchester Anyone caught with a knife, gun or weapon of any kind should be taught a lesson. The suffering of the victim and their families never ends. For their assailants to get off lightly is a further slap in the face and merely makes a mockery of justice. Maria Connelly, Bellshill, Lanarkshir­e Possession of a knife should carry an automatic fixed jail sentence. The police need to put more resources into this, and worry less about crimes of non-violence. Name and address withheld The scenes from Marseille last weekend should have shown happy, carefree Russian and Sean Hood, Hayle, Cornwall

English fansfa enjoying Euro 2016. But the reality facing the England fans was a far, far different propositio­n. Before the game they were ambushed by organised and welltraine­d Russian Ultras, knife-wielding and masked hooligans.

Like cowards they attacked peaceful English fans, leaving them covered in blood, some hospitalis­ed, and one even had a heart attack. The Ultras’ sickeningl­y took photos of the stricken man, posting it on Twitter.

And what did the police do? Make the situation worse by mishandlin­g the problems, and blaming it instead on the English fans drinking alcohol – disgusting. Ashley Smith, March, Cambs So, the EU referendum is nothing more than a cynical PR exercise by David Cameron to make voters think he cares about their opinion. This can only explain the fact that, according to Carole Malone, MPs ultimately have the final say and can vote against leaving the EU, even if that is the result of the referendum. What a waste of taxpayers’ time and money! Christine Hanks, Woking, Surrey Cameron has recently said that if we vote exit in the referendum he will stop increasing pensions and NHS funding. George Osborne also said he will stop buying ships and planes for the armed forces and make thousands of troops redundant. This is just blackmail from two children who can’t get their own way. Sara Moor, Stockport, Gtr Manchester Why did thousands of men and women fight in two world wars? It was because they fervently believed in the sovereignt­y of Great Britain, never thinking one day their efforts might be squandered by submission to the diktats of Brussels or whims of foreign powers. Pause, respect the fallen who sacrificed their lives, and don’t sacrifice your vote. Rachel Connolly, Richmond, North Yorks

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Congratula­tions to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on her official 90th birthday. It was lovely to see her celebratin­g her special day. Nobody deserves this more than our Queen. She has ruled our nation with great dignity and humility and is a truly...
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