Sunday Mirror

Staying in


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To find Langdon Hill car park, take Muddyford Lane off the A35 at Chideock Hill. Turn first left lane and follow the road to the car park.

From the car park look for the gate signposted Golden Cap at the top left hand corner. Go through the gate and follow the main path around the hill.

As you follow the path keep an eye out for the clearings on your left.

After a few hundred metres the path bears to the right, follow it until you see the sign to Golden Cap. When you reach the sign, take the path on your left and follow it down the slope.

As you reach the bottom go through the kissing gate. After savouring the Royal Albert Hall, UK tour September and October Chrissie Hynde got a little fit of the giggles halfway through Hymn To Her and begged the audience not to make her laugh. But the whole show was played with a huge smile on everyone’s face. Kicking off with Alone and Gotta Wait from the new album the band went into 90 minutes of hit after hit including Message Of Love, Talk Of The Town, Back On The Chain Gang, Stop Your Sobbing and Brass in Pocket. They were brilliantl­y tight, note perfect and Chrissy’s amazing voice sent shivers down my spine with I’ll Stand By You. Tour tickets at

Fans of Alfie Boe and Katherine Jenkins won’t feel let down by this revival of the Rodgers and Hammerstei­n classic. Mezzo-soprano Jenkins makes a thoroughly good fist as sweet millworker Julie Jordan who falls for bad boy Billy Bigelow, played by tenor Alfie Boe. Little do the doomed pair know that Billy’s rebellious ways will result in tragedy. Boe’s fairground barker is gruff and rough but displays an underlying tenderness during his eight-minute solo of Soliloquy. Meanwhile with her soaring voice, Jenkins, in her numbers including What’s the Use of Wondering, adeptly conveys the confusions of love of a woman who can’t stop loving a man in such pain. There’s wonderful choreograp­hy from the dancers and a 42-piece orchestra make this 1945 musical dark and uplifting in equal measure. PAUL HENDERSON views, turn right and go through another gate to enter the field.

Ahead of you, you’ll see another gate. Follow the hedge line on your left and head across the field to reach the stile and gate system.

Climb the stile and head up the slope to the kissing gate on the tree line in the distance. Go through and head up the steps towards Golden Cap’s summit. Take care here.

Halfway up the steps, you’ll pass a wooden bench on your left.

The steps start curving round to your left, follow them round and you’ll reach the summit trig point.

On a clear day you can see as far as Portland looking east.

Head west and follow either of the paths from the trig point, they will lead Hull Maritime Museum (Till May 14)

Jurassic Coast and inset Golden Cap A lovely pub by the beach serving real ale from Palmers Brewery in Bridport 12A, 117mins. Opens Friday Gemma Arterton works on female dialogue for propaganda films in 1940. She makes a film about Dunkirk set to star idol Ambrose Hilliard (Bill Nighy). 12A, 127 mins. Opens Friday A young actress (Lily Collins) falls for driver (Alden Ehrenreich), which happens to be forbidden by her employer Howard Hughes (Warren Beatty). 15, 100mins. Opens Friday Katherine Heigl is Tessa, who is jealous of her ex husband David (Geoff Stults). He becomes engaged to Julia (Rosario Dawson) and things turn sour.

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