Sunday Mirror

A KILLER 7% 2% 8% You say Blair is better bet to win than Jezza

- BY NIGEL NELSON Political Editor

If Theresa May wins the election there are going to be a lot of people faced with problems... hospitals, elderly, social care – the problems of the kind of world that we don’t want to live in JEREMY CORBYN ON THE TORIES’ POLICIES

TOMORROW is the final day that you can to register to vote in the upcoming General Election on June 8. So far, more than two million people have signed up to vote since Theresa May called a snap poll. But millions are in danger of missing out. To register, go to SUNDAY Mirror readers think Labour would be more likely to win the election under Tony Blair than Jeremy Corbyn.

Some 36 per cent back ex-PM Blair, pictured, against 33 per cent for Corbyn.

Among purely Labour voters the figures were tied at 35 per cent – results that will come as a huge shock to the Corbyn camp.

The poll suggests Mr Blair, reviled by many for taking Britain to war in Iraq, may not be such a hate figure within Labour ranks after all.

Our survey also shows just over half of readers reckon a different leader would get more votes than the current one. Labour voters were tied at 38 per cent on the issue.

Nearly two in five think former PM Gordon Brown would have stood a better shot at victory while 36 per cent back former leader Ed Miliband.

The NHS is the biggest issue for six in 10 readers while immigratio­n and Brexit join health as their top three concerns. If public money could be spent on only one major building project then 46 per cent say it should be on new hospitals.

More than four in 10 would be prepared to pay more tax if they could be sure it went to the NHS.

And 60 per cent say if there is a downturn in the economy then spending cuts should fall on overseas aid first.

There has been a significan­t move toward the Tories since the 2015 election.

Now 29 per cent of readers say they will vote for Theresa May’s party compared to 23 per cent two years ago. Labour are backed by 45 per cent of our readers, while Ukip support has halved from 11 per cent in 2015 to five per cent.

And only 20 per cent expect a Labour government in place come June 9 – with 65 per cent believing the Tories have it in the bag. Our research is a snapshot of your opinions and was undertaken before party manifestos were published.

One in 10 readers have not decided how they will vote. Mr Corbyn lags behind Mrs May with only 28 per cent saying he would make a better PM, while 41 per cent think she is best for the job.

And nearly a third of readers say the most important quality they are looking for is leadership ability, while a fifth cite the stance on Brexit.

Nearly seven in 10 still think Mrs May should take part in a head-to-head TV debate with Mr Corbyn.

On a lighter note, 24 per cent would join the Labour leader for a drink in the pub, 17 per cent would have a tipple with Mrs May and just four per cent would raise a jar with the Lib Dem’s Tim Farron.

The Sunday Mirror interviewe­d 815 adult readers online.

 ??  ?? before tomorrow’s 11.59pm deadline.
before tomorrow’s 11.59pm deadline.

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