Sunday Mirror

Now start plans for a Brexit that delivers for all

- BY FRANCES O’GRADY TUC general secretary

I REMEMBER when the Prime Minster called this election. She said she wanted a personal mandate for her vision of Brexit.

But now Mrs May’s hand looks a whole lot weaker, not stronger.

It’s time for the Conservati­ve Government to think again. They should speak with other parties and unions – not just big business – and go back to the drawing board.

They need to come up with a better plan for Brexit, which puts good jobs and rights at the heart of the deal.

If we go on like this, we risk leaving the EU without any trade deal.

That might suit the hardright of the Conservati­ve Party but what would it do to our industries?


My dad worked in a car plant. Millions of manufactur­ing jobs like his would be put at risk if we tumble out of the EU without easy access to their markets.

One thing is clear from this election – there’s a fierce hunger for change and it’s taken the political world by surprise.

But it’s no wonder, given how much people are hurting. Wages are down, prices are up. Decent, dependable jobs are being replaced with insecure ones, while our NHS and schools have been cut to the bone.

Families are getting deeper into debt. Working people want a new deal.

That means better jobs and stronger rights. It means cracking down on zero-hours contracts and dodgy selfemploy­ment.

And it means a pay rise for everyone in the UK – not just those at the top.

The average Briton’s real pay is down over £1,200 since 2008. That has to change.

On Thursday, the British people sent a message. It’s time for the PM to listen.

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GAMBLE May calls election
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