Sunday Mirror

Chalky had 2-day pub grub crawl


IT’S tup sales time but this year it has been a non event. We bought a couple and sold a couple but sadly our best tup injured himself in the summer. Instead of selling him we’ll keep him to use ourselves.

Our dog Chalky has been behaving badly. The walkers have all but gone so I thought there was no reason for her to wander – it’s usually food that tempts her.

She’s whippet thin but not malnourish­ed – she just runs it off.

Pippern, her partner in crime, eats the same amount but is older and not so fickle to follow walkers hoping for a leftover sandwich crust.

Anyway, Chalky went missing on Saturday.She was last seen on the footpath to Tan Hill pub, three miles away.

Apparently she got a bath and blow dry there and probably a bar meal.

We rang next morning only to find that Chalky left at closing time.

By lunchtime we had word that she was at the pub in Gunnerside – whether she walked or hitched a lift we don’t know but it seemed she was on an epic pub crawl with us a day behind.

Sightings came in via phone and Facebook.

She’d been at Sid Reynoldson’s at Thwaite, dropped in at Doreen’s at Keld, then back to Tan Hill pub where we got her on Monday night.

When we got back she was so tired by her pub crawl that she fell asleep in front of the fire. She’s a free spirit, lives a perfect dog’s life and she’ll stray again.

But for the moment we’ll let sleeping dogs lie.

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FICKLE Our Chalky

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