Sunday Mirror


Worboys asked me what to say to have best chance of release He boasted that he’d return to London streets he terrorised Claimed he’d go onto dating websites as soon as he was out


And Matthew’s account today raises the question how officials ever considered Worboys fit for release.

Matthew, who saw Worboys “almost all day, every day” for months, said: “He is conning the justice system when he has not shown one bit of remorse or contrition for those poor women.

“His justificat­ion was that most of his victims found him dazzlingly attractive.

“And he always tried to downplay his crimes, saying ‘I didn’t drag them in’.

“The reality is I think he hates women. He was very misogynist­ic and was always very aggressive about them, often describing women from his past as b**ches.

“He said ‘I want to go back to London when I get out’. He said some victims still live in the area and gave a wry smile.

“Then he said ‘f*** ’em, they’ve had enough out of me. I’ve done my time’.

“I told him I didn’t think he’d be allowed to move back to London. He just said: ‘Oh, well, maybe the outskirts. I’ll go on a dating website, put on my glad rags and go pull some women’.”

Matthew said Worboys, who hails from Rotherhith­e, South East London, even jokingly suggested he could afford to “do a Gary Glitter and p*** off to Cambodia”.

Convicted robber Matthew spent four months with Worboys on C Wing at HMP Wakefield. They did a rehabilita­tion course together and Matthew – who was released last week – would visit Worboys in his cell.

He went on: “I felt incredibly uncomfort- able sitting in the same cell as him. He stares completely through you and can flick from normal and rational to angry in a second, often playing the victim. I had to endure his cunning and conniving questions about prisoner rehabilita­tion and risk psychology.

“He knew I had already been released from an indetermin­ate sentence like the one he is serving. He kept asking me what to say to a clinical psychologi­st at his next assessment.

“He wanted to know all about the checklist used to assess for psychopath­ic traits and behaviour and he wanted to know what their version of a personalit­y disorder is. Worboys had heard prisoners were misleading psychologi­sts and he wanted to know all about that. I was surprised he knew so much about complex psychologi­st language. But one inmate told me he studies anything that will help regain his freedom, even offering financial incentives to his few friends to He said: “I once asked him if what they said was true about him spiking champagne and claiming of a lottery win to women. He gave me a chilling look and said ‘careful lad’. “During the course lessons I was in with him he would talk about anger and bring up rejection. I think he has a burning resentment for women. “His moods could fluctuate from high to low and he was a bit of a control freak. He would take newspapers to his cell and if there was something about him in it that day he would always then be in a raging mood. “He has this strange habit of tapping his heel vigorously when speaking and would say ‘Everyone’s lying. I’ve been convicted for what I’ve done. They’re looking for compo’. “He moaned his crimes had already cost him £200,000 in compensati­on and that he’d had to sell his old flat in Rotherhith­e to pay them. He seemed to think the fact he had paid compensati­on smoothed things over.” Worboys, who now goes by the name of John Radford is temporaril­y on suicide watch. Matthew, who says he is going straight after facing up to his own past, is convinced Worboys must stay inside. He warned: “I was left in no doubt that he is still a danger. That’s why I’m coming forward now.”

 ??  ?? MENACE Worboys is still a threat TAXI PERIL Worboys drugged passengers
MENACE Worboys is still a threat TAXI PERIL Worboys drugged passengers

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