Sunday Mirror

Stormy army

‘Terrified Trump porn star hires guards and gets gun’


STORMY Daniels has called in security over fears for her life after revealing her alleged affair with President Donald Trump. The US porn star also fears pulling out of Celebrity Big Brother this week, hours before the first episode aired, will make her more of a target. A TV source said she has enlisted two bodyguards and even got a gun to protect herself. “She’s terrified,” they said. “She feels like everyone seems to be against her – Trump fanatics, his aides and even her own fans who will miss out on her appearing on the show.

“She is the kind of person people get obsessed over and she really didn’t want to let anyone down but she had no choice. It’s not the money she is worried about – it’s her safety.

“Trump fanatics appear at her home, fuelling her fears.”

The source claims she now SIMON Cowell and his four-year-old mini-me son Eric show they have the specs factor in matching sunglasses.

They also sport the same hairstyles and fitted white T-shirts – so it’s no wonder Simon, 58, is little Eric’s Pop Idol.

Simon, partner Lauren Silverman, 41, and Eric zoomed round Malibu, California, on electric bikes. The couple were later seen feeding each other frozen yoghurt. keeps a firearm in her US home following death threats and is chaperoned 24/7 by two armed security guards, as she believes there is a bounty on her head.

The source said: “She regrets her affair with Trump because of what it has done to her life.

“She also genuinely fears for her safety hence she has upped her security.” Stormy dropped out of CBB at the eleventh hour after a developmen­t in her custody battle for daughter Caden, seven. Mr Trump’s lawyers paid her $130,000 in the run-up to the 2016 election to keep quiet about claims she had sex with him in 2006. The pair are now locked in a court battle and Stormy was also worried there would be key developmen­ts while she was locked in the CBB house.

 ??  ?? EASY RIDER Simon freewheeli­ng on an electric bike in Malibu MIMI-ME Simon and son Eric IN TANDEM Lauren with Eric in child seat
EASY RIDER Simon freewheeli­ng on an electric bike in Malibu MIMI-ME Simon and son Eric IN TANDEM Lauren with Eric in child seat
 ??  ?? FEARS Stormy Daniels
FEARS Stormy Daniels
 ??  ?? COURT FIGHT Trump

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