Sunday Mirror

We need a grown-up, not a Boris


Labour’s Deputy Leader said: “Boris Johnson will never put this country before himself and is therefore unfit to be PM.” You can say that again, Tom. This is a man who betrays his wife and hurts his children because his own personal gratificat­ion is more important than they are.

Such character defects make him unfit to be PM. As Foreign Secretary he failed to master his brief, failed to control his tongue, putting a British citizen in a foreign jail at greater risk, and failed to pay attention to detail. Such failures make him unfit to be PM. When the nation needs to be united in making Brexit a success, he throws his toys out of the pram. Such tantrums make him unfit to be PM. The break-up of a family is a sad and personal matter, even for such a high-profile public figure as Mr Johnson.

But as he makes no secret of wanting the nation’s top job, it is in the public interest to examine the circumstan­ces of it.

This country deserves a solid, mature and skilled leader, a leader who will put the national interest before his own. Boris Johnson does not come up to the mark.

One day Theresa May will go. It should be for the country to vote on who will replace her in a General Election.

But it is more likely that decision will be made by Conservati­ve Party members.

They have forgiven Mr Johnson’s indiscreti­ons in the past. They have dismissed them as harmless fun, the high jinks of a naughty but endearing boy.

They should reflect on this, now wife Marina has left him for good. The agonies she has been put through are anything but funny.

This country needs a grown-up in charge. Britain does not want another Donald Trump.

Having weighed up Mr Johnson’s good points against his bad ones, we are sure Tory members will come to the only conclusion possible. That he is unfit to be PM.

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