Sunday Mirror


250 sex crime allegation­s in 3 years


MORE than 250 female troops say they have been raped or sexually assaulted in the last three years.

More than 130 – mainly soldiers – allegedly fell victim last year alone.

Of those, 77 were physical attacks, including 29 rapes, according to MoD figures on Military Police probes.

The rest of the sex crimes included exposure and voyeurism.

The MoD said in a Freedom of Informatio­n request that at least 10 members of the Armed Forces are on the sex offenders register.

Almost 20 per cent of all court martials are now linked to sexual assault, rape or child pornograph­y.

The alarming figures come just two years after a hard-hitting campaign to combat sex crimes in the Forces after figures for 2015 showed there were 60 physical atacks, including 20 rapes.

A senior officer said: “Sex crime is a major problem. Women are most at risk but around 20 males were also victims of rape and sexual assault.”

The vast majority of sex offences occur in the 80,000-strong Army, roughly twice the size of both the RAF and Navy.

A judge criticised a culture of sexualised behaviour and heavy drinking within a Royal Military Police unit investigat­ing sex crimes. And even the cadet force has been tainted. Last year it emerged that almost 100 instructor­s have been dismissed in the past five years after allegation­s of sex abuse.

In 2016 Army recruitmen­t sergeant Edwin Mee, 46, was jailed for 11 years for two rapes and 14 sexual assaults on mainly overseas female recruits. The Scots-born divorced father of five was based in Croydon, South London.

In July this year a member of the Coldstream Guards was jailed for 19 years after raping a woman in Windsor.


CCTV showed Connor Brayley, 24 dragging his victim through the Berkshire town last December. A judge at Reading Crown Court said remorseles­s Brayley posed a “high risk”.

It is understood Military Police are probing whether he assaulted female troops during his time in the Army.

An MoD spokespers­on said: “Sexual offences are abhorrent and have no place in our Armed Forces. All allegation­s are thoroughly investigat­ed. Safety and wellbeing of personnel is of the utmost importance. Initiative­s in place include awareness campaigns and training courses.” scoops@sunday

 ??  ?? A 600m “sieve” is towed to the Pacific off San Franciso yesterday to clear a sea of plastic the size of Texas. Ocean Cleanup, a set of 4ft-wide pipes with a 9ft skirt below, scoops up plastic...but not fish. Dutch inventor Boyan Slat hopes it will catch on. PIPE DREAM Inventor Boyan
A 600m “sieve” is towed to the Pacific off San Franciso yesterday to clear a sea of plastic the size of Texas. Ocean Cleanup, a set of 4ft-wide pipes with a 9ft skirt below, scoops up plastic...but not fish. Dutch inventor Boyan Slat hopes it will catch on. PIPE DREAM Inventor Boyan
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 ??  ?? RAPE PAIR Mee, above, and Brayley
RAPE PAIR Mee, above, and Brayley

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